reports stable job market after 2 months of growth.

Jobs search engine have today released new figures that analyse their job data for the month of November.

AllTheTopBananas revealed that the overall job volume has decreased since October, seeing the advertised number of vacancies fall, by 12%. The drop is in line with seasonal expectations, illustrating a stable market after the previous months of growth. has previously reported positive upward trends in the number of jobs advertised for both September and October. Although the job volume has decreased for the month of November, this is an expected seasonal trend, with the Christmas period altering conventional patterns in recruitment. The site will continue to observe the changes seen in the jobs market over the coming months and document the results.

Dave Martin, MD of states: "Although the figures analysed for November do show a decrease in the overall job volumes of the data analysed, this should not be seen as a worry. This trend is usual for this time of year. What is important to note is that this decrease is identical to that of the same period last year, and is not a drastic drop in the overall job volumes; in fact, it is significantly less than month on month losses seen earlier in the year. The job volume for November is still higher than 6 out of the 10 previous months of 2009, which is also a very positive sign that we are slowly recouping the losses incurred by recession."

Positive signs are continuing within the recruitment industry, as reports released from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) and KPMG show. Their report highlights that November has seen the fastest rise in permanent vacancies for 28 months. Kevin Green, the REC's Chief Executive, stated in a press release that: "Employers in nearly all sectors are lifting recruitment freezes and starting to hire again."

AllTheTopBananas will continue to measure the changes to the job count for the end of 2009 into 2010, and regularly publish these figures so that others within the industry can compare their own data and monitor changes within the results. The site has just launched a microsite outlining the range of products and services they have available to job boards and other recruitment businesses, including a press section with their research. The microsite can be accessed through the 'Advertisers' section of


Tags: economic recovery, job search, job volume, jobs, recession, recovery, stable jobs market

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