Alset Signs Stutler Technologies Corp. to Resell Lightning Protection Solution

Stutler Technologies will sell and service Lightning Shield protection against harmful ground currents as part of Alset's new reseller program

SEATTLE, April 27, 2010 - Alset Corp., developer of the Lightning Shield technology, is teaming up with system integration company Stutler Technologies Corp. to resell and install the Alset products.

Stutler Technologies, one of the nation's largest full service system integrators for major wireless equipment manufacturers and operators, is the first company to become part of Alset's new reseller program. Alset created the program in a move to rapidly expand sales of its lightning protection products.

Alset's Lightning Shield protects telecommunications and other electronic equipment installed at rural sites from the harmful ground currents caused by nearby lightning strikes. Stutler Technologies will install and service Lightning Shield, primarily focusing on companies seeking to protect their RF, telephony, and networking equipment and quality of service in rural areas.

Lightning Shield is also a critical protection solution for utilities, railroads, airports, and other industries that rely on remotely located equipment. Alset is actively recruiting resellers to target those customers as well.

"We know that partnering with resellers and system integrators is the best way to extend our sales reach, and a partner like Stutler Technologies is a great start," said Gary Fox, president of Alset Corp. "That is why we launched our reseller program and are eagerly seeking additional partners."

For the companies that rely on Kansas-based Stutler Technologies, Alset's Lightning Shield helps ensure uninterrupted service and high reliability, particularly for commercial grade broadband and backhaul services. Lightning Shield is a new technology that - by protecting against harmful ground currents caused by nearby lightning strikes - provides security beyond what grounding and surge protection can offer.

"We've been very impressed with Lightning Shield and the way it keeps lightning in the ground and off electronic circuits," said Dave Kirk, director of business development for Stutler Technologies Corp. "We can assure our customers that our installations will consistently deliver the highest reliability. Lightning Shield will protect their investment in broadband equipment and secure their networks, even in the toughest weather conditions."

Lightning Shield protects against lightning damage that conventional surge protection and grounding do not address. The danger from a nearby lightning ground strike is that its high frequency energy travels through the earth to the remote equipment site, saturates its grounding system, and forces fault current through the electronics equipment on the bonded power circuits. Eliminating this fault path through the electronics, by temporarily isolating the equipment from the power connection, protects the equipment for the duration of the lightning threat.

Conventional surge protection is designed to protect equipment from lightning-induced current on telecom and power conductors. A grounding system is designed to dissipate low frequency energy to the earth. Neither will protect the equipment from lightning ground currents, especially in areas where soil conditions make it difficult to achieve a low-resistance ground.

Lightning Shield is available in 50-amp (LS-50) and 200-amp (LS-200) versions small and large remote sites. LS-ATS provides customized protection for larger facilities, such as remote switches or MTSOs. Remote Manager rounds out the product line, offering control and test capabilities that enhance site management.

About Alset Corp.
Seattle-based Alset Corp. develops and manufactures equipment designed to protect against damage from lightning ground currents, also known as lightning ground potential rise. Alset sells its equipment both directly and through a network of manufacturer's representatives and resellers. For more information about Alset and its lightning protection technology, visit

About Stutler Technologies
Stutler Technologies Corp. (STC) is one of the nation's largest full service system integrators for major wireless equipment manufacturers and operators. STC specializes in complete RF, telephony, networking and tower services as well as continued education and support of its customers' networks. STC is highly adaptive at providing cost-effective solutions for broadband delivery, licensed and unlicensed backhaul, and telephony integration. For more information, visit

Gary Fox, Alset Corp. Kevin Tanzillo, Dux Public Relations
888-344-3707 903-865-1078
[email protected] [email protected]


Tags: grounding, lightning, reseller, surge protection

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