Alzheimer's, Arthritis & Heart Disease - Research Reveals: Common Cause, Common Treatment

The widely-held thesis that a common inflammatory process is responsible for triggering more than 50 chronic degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's, arthritis, and cardiovascular disease, has led researcher Nicholas Sampsidis, protege of card

Sweden, (Ekotopia) - Researchers in dozens of countries have largely confirmed the original thesis of cardiologist Kurt A. Oster, M.D. and Fairfield University professor Donald J. Ross, Ph.D. about the enzyme XO in homogenized milk triggering atherosclerosis, chest pain, heart attacks, non-healing wounds, gout, psoriasis and multiple sclerosis. In fact, XO is now thought to be behind more than 50 chronic degenerative diseases.

According to the researcher, Nicholas Sampsidis, protege of Oster and Ross and author of two, new titles on the subject:

"Their hypothesis that 'a multitude of apparently unrelated diseases may actually be only one many-faceted disease,' is becoming Wikipedia mainstream. That is, Alzheimer's, arthritis and heart disease are the same disease in different locations."

Researchers concur that virtually all chronic diseases start with inflammation. It's an aspect widely covered, even a Time magazine cover story (Feb. 23, 2004).

"But things only start to get interesting during inflammation," says Sampsidis. "XO is smack in the middle of the action, torching the fat component of cell membranes and raising havoc."

"The problem is that tissues don't burn cleanly. A smoky fire churns out free radical byproducts. Cigarette smoke and sunlight also produce free radicals but nowhere near as many as XO. A chain reaction of cellular death ensues. When lesions outpace healing, oxidative stress to a tissue interferes with function. A diagnosis is then made - diabetes, arthritis, Lupus and so forth."

Investigators remain divided over whether XO originates from homogenized cow's milk or from the human liver, where it serves a digestive function. Sampsidis postulates that both sources might be involved: "However, cow's milk XO is roughly 12 times more potent - the tipping point factor in overcoming the body's anti-radical defenses and forming lesions. Cow's milk XO is hard liquor; human XO is 2.8% beer."

"Even canker sores," according to Sampsidis, "those little, whitish dots in the mouth are XO-triggered lesions but without attendant plaque, scars or organ meltdown."

Such is the bite into the bad news.

The good news starts with canker sores being an invaluable marker. They reveal how flammable tissues are to XO and to the forest fire of oxidative stress. In the twin titles: "Homogenized Milk & Atherosclerosis" and "Something Called XO," Sampsidis argues that their frequency and severity reflect the degree to which a person is ripe for more serious, chronic conditions.

Sampsidis notes: "Oster and Ross are finally being revisited. The XO link to so many diseases is the mother lode of health breakthroughs because all of the manifestations are amenable to one therapy - the ORS Method. View it as the penicillin of chronic illness. Yes - canker sores and the leading cause of death, cardiovascular disease, can be reversed the same way."


Tags: Alzheimer's and MS, Canker Sores, Causes of Heart Disease, Chronic Chest Pain, Leading Cause of Death, Treatment Chronic Degenerative D

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