Amazon Kindle Fire, The Latest Tablet

Since the release of the iPad, other electronic firms are also releasing their own version of the said gadget. Now, its Amazon's turn with the Kindle.

The competitor for Apple iPad is here. The Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos finally uncovered the rumors and the long discussions that were on about the Kindle Fire. The nimble bundle comes at amazingly cheap price, costing to a bare $199, much cheaper than the Apple iPad. The CEO calls the venture as one offering premium products at no premium prices. Though other tablets were adept with features and services they were missing out on the price. Kindle fire however is not just a tablet but a service too.

The Amazon Kindle Fire is certainly going to spark up the tablet market. It is going to weigh heavier if compared to the popular Apple iPad, Motorola Xoom and the Samsung Tablet.

The kindle is yet to arrive on November 21 and would be Wi-Fi only, presently. The 3G version will be shelved out the same day and would cost $149. The tablet comes with some excellent features like colored screen, dual core processor, and the price of course.

Amazon is following a penetration pricing strategy by looking at long term revenue. The company is utilizing its billion gigabyte capacity of cloud storage and that of Amazon Silk interface, which enables faster uploading of pages from the web, thus offering an overall satisfying user experience.

In the bit of time I got to spend with the new Kindle Fire, I was impressed by how much Amazon had packed into the $199 tablet," says the Washington Post's Hayley Tsukayama. "While it didn't show fantastic performance, the value made the tablet incredibly attractive. The Fire looks a lot like the BlackBerry PlayBook - a plain, black screen - but works perfectly as a portal to all the movies, apps, music and video one could possibly want to consume." Molly Wood further notes that, "I'd be surprised if you ever find them there. Amazon has taken a closed, proprietary approach with the Kindle line, and I think it's more than a safe bet to say that this won't be the open Android tablet experience you've been hearing about with the Galaxy Tabs or the Xooms of the world. Not even close, in fact."


Tags: amazon, Burbank Electrician, iPad, kindle

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