Amedeo Modigliani Contest, on July the Winner

We are getting closet o the final phase of the Modigliani contest, organized by the namesake association founded in Livorno.

The Comitato Spontaneo Amedeo Modigliani was born with the purpose of celebrating the iconic sculptor/painter of the past century, bringing his identity back to Italy, being often considered as French.

The Association periodically plans events dedicated to the artist, and for the 2013 edition it decided to promote a commemorative sculpture: a fountain. The final project will be presented to the Livorno administration suggesting the Rotonda d'Ardenza as its site, where many famous artists like Modì, Fattori and Lega used to paint.

The fountain's design will be selected by a jury composed of experts, through a contest that will involve many international architects.

The project came to life thanks to the collaboration of the Comitato Spontaneo Amedeo Modigliani with the Associazione Culturale Montecatini Terme and the sponsorship of MGI and T&D Robotics.

MGI -Marmi e Graniti d'Italia Sicilmarmi is a marble company whose mission is to promote the Italian marble Worldwide, offering high quality products for high-end architectural projects. The keywords that better define Marmi e Graniti d'Italia Sicilmarmi are: quality, elegance and design. MGI's most valued marbles are, without a doubt, the Caldia and the Perlato di Sicilia.

T&D Robotics is a company specialized in manufacturing robots for the fabrication of natural stone products.

The first event took place in Viareggio on July 12th 2013, and focused on Modigliani's famous heads and the hoax connected to them. Also during the evening, MGI presented the contest for the creation of the fountain.

The second event, held in Montecatini on September 25th 2013, was organized by the Associazione Culturale Montecatini Terme in the historical Gambrinus Cafè. At the end of the evening MGI and T&D Robotics revealed their marble reproduction of one of Modì's heads.

The final project for the fountain will be presented to the Livorno administration once the winning design is chosen among all the design submitted.

All the participating architects are American and Canadian, members of AIA (American Institute of Architects)

The winning design will be revealed in the month of July, during the celebration for Amedeo Modigliani's birthday.


Tags: amedeo modigliani, amedeo modigliani contest, amedeo modigliani project, marmi e graniti, marmi e graniti modigliani, MGI sicilmarmi

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