America Green Sets Roots in California

America Green is increasing presence on the West Coast! We support federally funded green projects and California has been a leader in energy efficiency.

California has been a leader in energy efficiency policy and programs since the 1970s. It established the first major utility efficiency programs in the 1980s, and the first PBF in 1996. CPUC provides policy oversight of the state PBF. CPUC approves plans for efficiency programs in each of the utility service areas and also coordinates statewide activities. Further, CPUC requires utilities to use procurement funding to supplement the PBF in order to maximize cost effective savings achieved through energy efficiency programs.

The measures associated with the approved funding are expected to avoid the equivalent of three large power plants (totaling 1,500 MW) over the next three years and over the life of the measures, yield an estimated $2.7 billion in net savings to consumers, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 3.4 million tons of CO2 in 2008, or the equivalent of taking about 650,000 cars off the road.

America Green Solar is here to educate homeowners and business owners on the benefits of Green Energy. Our expansion is aimed to help our government reach their goal of reducing the overall national carbon footprint emission by 40% by year 2025. We intend to do so by creating opportunities for employment locally and educating homeowners and/or business owners regarding the green options available in their areas.

Join America Green Solar in painting our country green!


Tags: green energy, renewable energy, solar energy

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America Green Solar
7083 Hollywood blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90028