American Muslims Demand Rebuilding of Jannat Al-Baqee

Muslim leaders and people of conscience from across the nation will gather outside the Embassy of the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on September 17, 2010 to demand the full restoration of the Jannat al-Baqee cemetery in Medina, Saudi Arabia.

WASHINGTON DC - Muslim leaders and people of conscience from across the nation will gather outside the Embassy of the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on September 17, 2010 to demand the full restoration of the Jannat al-Baqee cemetery in Medina, Saudi Arabia. This date marks the demolition of the gravesite in 1925 that sparked a concerted campaign of oppression against the Shi'a Muslim minority of Saudi Arabia. As the burial place of many important personalities in Islam and a central holy site to Shi'a Muslims, Jannat al-Baqee represents greater injustices that happen within and around Saudi Arabia, including the recent attacks against women and children.

The Baqee Organization, a coalition of American-Muslim citizens committed to religious tolerance and peace, is urging the American government to release a formal condemnation against the oppressing activities happening within Saudi Arabia and its funding of these activities worldwide. As a strong ally of the United States, Saudi Arabia should stand strong in our commitment to end oppression, and is expected to uphold the values of the American constitution in defending religious freedom and providing safe spaces for worship within its borders. Moreover, Baqee demands the full restoration of the Jannat al-Baqee cemetery and safety for pilgrims who travel there in the interest of religious freedom and security for American citizens.

Muslims from across the United States will stand in solidarity with the embattled Shi'a population and other minorities in Saudi Arabia and extend the invitation for all people of conscience to protest overt forms of terrorism and the tolerance of it. The demonstration will be held on Friday, September 17, 2010 from 2pm-5pm at the Royal Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia located at 601 New Hampshire Ave, NW Washington, DC 20037.

ABOUT: The Baqee Organization is a coalition of concerned American Muslims who advance the understanding of Islam and reject acts of terrorism.


Tags: baqee, baqi, islam

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Press Contact, Baqee Organization
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PO Box 97
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United States