American Writer Gary Beers Shares Historical Literature Accounts With New York City's Golden Vintage Publications Company's PR. and Senior Publicist, Steven Komorowskia-Janos

New York writer Gary Beers shares historical never seen literature in face to face interview with New York City's very own, Golden Vintage Publications! Writer Gary Beers is not only the sole author to PumpKinRoo, his children's book novel, but he, too, is a well-known, according to PublishAmerica, LLLP…. "Mr. Gary Beers is a one of a kind, …. worldwide known he has made himself as a respected "eclectic" writer and a divinely gifted, master editor, all genre!" With this, being it, first, sa

Steven Komorowskia-Janos: “Hello to you, Gary Beers!  Thank you for stopping by to share the many genres and writing styles had you thus far in time, have written in with so many more not accounted for by tis here interview with you today. How did all of this start, and, I see this here poems as it appears, as it, entitled, ‘Words Forever?’”

Gary Beers: “Yes, this is such a poem stated by myself as the writer, as was it one called, ‘Words Forever,’ that is it originally by me and written by myself, too. This poem   as it also was thus itself, was the second piece of poetry had I ever written in my life.  I wrote the first one entitled, “My Best friend.  I wrote this stanza over some 26 years’ time, constantly improving itself meaning an appearance. I as you will see in this interview with yo today, have been exclusively known and accredited with having perfected to a state of Devine absolution, written and already published work even with it occurring some in of as many as thirty-years later.  I am always looking to improve, and even though I do just that, thank God. However, this poem shown to you here, marks a rare state in two periods of my writing career either demonstrating either the Red and or Blue Periods representing my being a writer, blessed to write and edit in all genre, edit all as a renowned expert editor--all  genre, and that have I mastered more than 400 known and used and not known for centuries, was it found existing in of those writing styles, and here hundred fifty verse kinds of  poetry, including Japanese poetry and I am a true ‘Belles Letters’ writer, in of only am I known as being one of four known in the United States of America, and, at most, only seventy-five persons in the world.  I say these very things to you, in an effort not to brag, but to show thus it might ultimately be on in how wonderful my God, or maybe your Good is to me.  To write in literally all known genres without education and or practice or exposure of some sort to either them, is and tells me there are miracles and a higher sense for a Devine Source, like I believe, plays a significant role in that being in a person’s very own development and later life-like mine being and author…  It truly is inexplicable how I may have been born with such talents, and I am glad that I am here today to share with you and your readers some ten genres have I successfully written in by myself over the last almost being some twenty-seven years of my career as a prolific writer and a world, renowned master “eclectic” writer to almost any and or all the world’s known many having their uniquely made by Time, those unfathomable writing styles.  I have a remarkable theory that I wish one day to hare its very own presence in my life that it may explain at least what I was it at one time exposed to you a child, the way I was educated, and how my mentorship was it one taught another language and many lessons by my grandmother, Mary Beers, and my father, Edward Beers whom were they instrumental in setting the very stage for the lifetime writing successes and some that I no enjoy as a blessed, famed writer world over! Lastly, Steven, I have no memory or clue one guess it was in thus it why I wrote ‘Words Forever’ in the very first place in of the order of all mysteries contained in the universe.  I think it might be safe to further assume my seeking out the universal love I felt was she coming my way in life at this very time in his life!”  (LOL!!!)

"Man will candidly acquaint darkness once his solemn soul ramparts the climb for relief.... He then, will deliver not that of sin, but one, desired by him, to construct parapets that will dwell within his wickedness of convention; one also by him to be augmented in obscure, ceremonial haste for the greed he quietly worships. Deeply, will he lie in guilt with him to only afford no reticence, but the destruction of man? It shall, along with his impudence, live on and on without regard to his kin. As then, will come his adulation of ignorance, in with a profound, fictitious redemption....

Ms. Lisa Lament, Book Author Publication Specialist

“Words Forever”

The Blue Period


Words Forever speak to me.

Words Forever fall to be…

Words Forever shall be love

In my heart…

Words Forever

Shall forever now

Always be in my heart

As I forever speak to thee.


       Gary Beers 

        January 20, 1990

Steven Komorowskia-Janos: “What’s exactly is this one here, Gary?”

Gary Beers: “This particular piece I have worked on for some fifteen-years until I thought it was perfectly written and could one day be said aloud in either a novel or texted material in per se an English course anywhere on earth. This here is my showing off bit with the rather large vocabulary I acquired over my already forty-five years’ lifetime, and even more so since I first became a world over and prolific writer many would say, Steven…”

The Coming: “Will of all good things… Heaven’s dissension unto the cosmos was it had been so very much indeed, increased in joy upon the dazzling luminary of wondrous, soft energies of white light, which filled the corners in the universe! Its quest for Love stir toward the marvelous foreseen life. Way across plateaus, which now complete buoyancy of eternal love and great virtue… One before never imagined by another. The spiritual serenity of Lasting Light for all of the people to and from Mother Earth may they bear witness to our Timeless Innocence! Oh, bright Timeless Innocence with adore so immeasurable! With impenetrable goodness, and with the bound purity to all; to possess of you an eternal defiance to death by the love found only in Heaven! A bequest of all in the universe.... the greatness of Light flashes to its very end the World! To them "all" being they made creations of God! Save the unwavering cosmos from the uncertainty of satin, who is the god of sin in whom embarks every living day upon man to do his evil doings? 'The Coming' of never-ending love. It shall be for all their in by itself being all found in humankind!" The Red Period.

Steven Komorowskia-Janos: “This one being it here below looks very ghastly.  What were you exactly thinking when you had written the last piece as here said below for publication?”

Gary Beers: “This here now with this quote is with my too had used in an upcoming writing project’s main forward as said and developed by me over a nine-year span of time.  I am very much so proud of it, Steven. I cannot say any more about it for now…”

Gary Beers: “Yes.  She was the most beautiful and precious person to my heart.  She has given me the courage to write and become educated and more importantly, to speak out when possible.  She was the main reason I went to college to study to eventually be a forensic psychologist.  She said, “Gary, out of all us being kids in our family, I know you are the one to do it!”

A Memorial Song


Loretta Ann Beers

“‘I Love You, Always, Loretta’”

(A Song Made Just for You)

The Red Period

I remember you... You were true! Together--oh fun. We traveled away… Each and every day We were one! (2 second delay. Music---I call you... It was never easy my Angel; You gave your all; I never knew what to do---I can’t forget the things you loved... In---CLU---ding me---Oh’ yeah!! Remember...? My love---You... Yes, they know it’s’ true---My Angel, I miss you! 

There it was only was you… A---n---d... Me! ---Piano Music. They didn’t even know you. Took you for granted, did you very sad. Moment of unheard music--- Didn’t care 'bout you anymore---anymore---I Know you’re not around; Oh’ yeah.... (Three second silences). I’ll make sure your memory--- l---I-----ves---for--ever---more! M-m-m-m! Remember? Bridge---I want to fly in the sky! Hold you tonight... Yeah, it seems so right. So---hold---for another day. Life isn't passing away.... And be free with me. I will. I am because of you. I am because of you. I am---am---know am because of you---My Angel! I love you! I will always love you, Loretta! Forever! Your, Beloved Brother, Gary.

Hand of doubt to indicate; the trust you feel for me.  I am all landing a kiss upon your chin; it is all and all the world I wish to live. Stand the Land as within all glows felt so bare upon its soft, lace soil. I gather Thoughts of you again, and, in all the while life takes me apart for the moment, you have shed me is seen in with sane to gust with the blood of in your flesh. Deem to me all that you have become, a wonderful woman named being now so nestled, deeply in the walls of my heart. Bring thy love to me please, make me one to be in your heart’s mind forevermore. Close the door of love and allow no one to enter. For it is not selfishness I see from you—It is the strength of my reason that is it also one forevermore seen please the psyche of existentialism of all wonder. For I know I bring the joy of all tomorrows to your love as it makes its way home again to bear the sign of eternal love for all in the vast, courageous lands on Earth!




The Red Period

Steven Komorowskia-Janos: “Is this the play script you had authored and being it the first ever written and published creation by you, Gary?”


Gary Beers: “Here’s, I am so very much proud of it.  I worked on it for exactly twenty-years before I completed it.  This is another genre I’m also associated with to creating a near-masterpiece some had said about his here work of mine, Steven.”

Here is an excerpt from the play script, Heaven Only Knows:

              The action takes place in North-Yonkers, New York…

Act 5, Scene 4

Gail’s Apartment That Afternoon

(As the lights come up, Gail is on the phone speaking to Mike.  “Guilty,” sung by Barbara Streisand and Barry Gibb, is heard in the background.)

Gail (into the phone): Hi, Mike.  Can you come over to my place?  Oh,      nothing.  I just want to give you something you’ve needed for the longest time.  Yes.  You WILL like it very much.  (Sarcastically) Beth wants me to let you have it!

(She hangs up the phone and begins pacing back and forth.)

      (Talking to herself): Mike, I have something for you. You rotten s.o.b.!  Just tell me why?  Give me one good reason why I should spare your life tonight…  Forget about tomorrow!  What am I talking about?  (She picks up an iron fireplace poker) See this iron poker?  I’m gonna stick this where the sun doesn’t shine and give you MY impression of a split personality.  (Pause) Hey!  Isn’t that what you REALLY deserve? (She returns the poker to the fireplace.) You good-for-nothin’ piece o’ garbage!  (She walks away, calms down a bit, almost hits the wall with her fist but stops just short of contact.  Then she walks to the table SL, picks up a photo of her and Beth and talks to it.)

Mike states: Beth, I love you more than anything in this WORLD, more than LIFE itself. I’ll get this dirty, rotten excuse for a man!  He will NOT walk away from THIS like he did from the accident.  I PROMISE YOU!

(There’s a knock at the door and Gail answers it.)

Gail (opening the door USL):

                                                 Hi, Mike.

Mike (enters, walks to the couch SR and sits):

                                                 Hi. (Pause) What’s up?

(Gail is appalled by his presence.)  

Gail (yelling):               You’re a low-down, bastard loser!  YOU did it to her!

(She follows him to the couch, yells at him, slaps him across the face, then begins throwing punches to his chest, as Mike stands to defend himself.)  

         It’s YOUR fault!  I oughta hang you, you miserable rat!  You should suffer.  YOU did it to her!

Mike (putting his arms around her to stop her punches):

Gail, WHAT and WHO are you talking about?

Gail (screaming):

Beth! You JACKASS!  It’s YOUR fault!  YOU

gave it to her!

Mike (angrily):

Gave her WHAT?  Is she ALL RIGHT?

Gail (furiously):

No!  She has AIDS because of YOU!  She was

only WITH YOU, and YOU cheated on her, you

dirty, rotten…

Mike (interrupting):

No, I didn’t. I was only with HER…  NO ONE

ELSE.  I SWEAR!  Besides, who are YOU to

cast judgment on ANYONE?  I did NOTHING

wrong.  NOTHING!  I was NOT with ANYONE

else.     (Pause,     as     he     realizes     the     REAL

tragedy here.)  Oh, Dear God!  That poor girl!

(Looking at Gail) Are you sure? Are you

positively certain she has AIDS?  Where’d you

hear this? Could it be a mistake?  My God! 

Please say it’s a joke!  Please, Gail!

(The phone rings, three times as they stare at it, then Gail answers it.)

Gail (sadly): Hello.  Hi, Mrs. Mitchell.  Yes.  I SEE.  What?  No, I did not.  Uh, yes.  Oh, my God!  I didn’t                                          know.  Yes.  I will be there in a few.  Okay.  Bye now...

Mike:                                       What happened?

Gail:                                        None of your damn business.

Mike:   Why not?  I have the right to know if I AM being accused!

Gail (stands, SL):

There is a possibility, it seems, that Beth did

NOT contract this through sex; she may have

gotten it through a blood transfusion, MAYBE. 

They don’t know for sure. (Looking at Mike) 

She’s only had ONE transfusion in her life.  She

had it four years ago as a result of an accident

caused by you. It came from the blood she

received at that time. (Staring at him) So tell me,

Mike, was I right? Didn’t YOU give it to her


Mike (standing, SR):

Look, Gail, I have something to tell you.  I was

going into the army a few months ago.  I had to

take some blood tests.  One test was to check

for HIV antibodies.  I was negative.  The results

and blood samples are in storage at the

Westminster Medical Center right now.  My

family and I have a supply of blood stored there

in case we need emergency surgery.  It’s a good

practice to do so.  But I AM NEGATIVE.  I will

give my consent for Beth’s doctors to have the

results.  I’ll inform Beth and her family so they

have peace of mind.  I NEVER cheated on her

or our love for each other.


Baloney!  The fact remains if it had not been

for your drinking that night, she would not be

lying there.  NOW YOU will BURN for this! 

You’ll see, you’ll see! 

Mike (pause; remembering): My God!  If you’re right about the accident, then

this IS my fault!  But I’m human.  People DO make mistakes.  (Pause) I AM SORRY!  I’ll make all of you happy.  You’ll see!

(He walks USL to leave as Gail stands there in a daze.  She picks up a vase and throws it as he exits USL.  It crashes against the door which has just barely closed behind him.  INSTANT BLACKOUT.)

          Heaven Only Knows is a nine acts-five scene-play script. The very own, being one of a uniquely created, Heaven Only Knows is a nine acts-five scene-play script. The very so duration of this entire production has a duration being, more than, three (3) hours. This play script was it as well to had been it developed between 1989 and up till the present, this piece has achieved theatrical perfection. This play was edited by renowned actor-singer-producer-director Anthony J. Carlucci. As the mother of all Heaven Only Knows theatrical plays, this script was especially adapted for performances in various communities such as Yonkers, New York and the surrounding areas, as well as for productions off-Broadway. This script is enriched with set design, sound effects, averse of many so kinds of props for each and every wonderful act. It is suitable for ages for adult audiences only. As the greatest manual for anyone who wants to stage a contemporary, multimedia production that will leave its audience in awe and glad they came, this edition of Heaven Only Knows is the pinnacle of Gary Beers’ very own, unique writing artistes!

In above all else, it has the time being, now evidently near one thus it being the very knowledge all a while is it one in which they are those professionals being both it being also they known to them as either their “On-Off-Broadway” productions; and it being one demonstratively written over twenty-year time by Gary Beers to bring to a last completion the editing and the very publication of his solely it had itself been one it made authored, as he did many years ago, was it in with this exact play script he had himself only written he for On or Off Broadway Theatrical Production as it can still today be it one seen bright fully--it was itself on it made so by Gary Beers in was it seen with his famously made itself, just it, then, was it his own single publication finally after twenty-years was tis play script in was it here in with this being the very, and only it becoming was it to a fruitful state in was it this the very profoundly one being a sole and lasting it would, be the making, it is one now made and it called insofar was it so the case in as it was it purposefully for his very long-awaited play script; “Heaven Only Knows!”  Heaven Only Knows e-book can be purchased only now at for only $33.75 per play script,



Steven Komorowskia-Janos: “This work appears being it one to had it amazingly been so well written by you, Gary.  Where can I look for it published?  I never had I seen in your writing career, though I have nearly all your works, seen such a beautifully written excerpt from you before now.” 

Gary Beers: “I am most particularly proud of this piece here shown to you.  I wanted as many people who are they exposed to it as possible.  I willfully now hare this with you, Steven, because it’s from my soon it a to become one a new publication named, ‘Timeless Innocence: A Novel by Gary Beers!”




Madam Dr. Sarah-Patricia O’Rourke-Cromwell

B. May 28th, 1729-AD---D. October 12th, 1802-AD

         What it had been it was considered by many persons during the following period in America, to be that truly and worthwhile, and; it finally as it made itself incredible to have happened in the Eighteenth Century American Colonial Villages of its’ people on by May 28th, 1729; AD; and even those considered, and believed by hundreds of millions of persons today in “Post-Modernity” America and in and around the entire world by literally almost 2.8 billion people worldwide! And, finally it would begin was the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), the American War of Independence, or simply the Revolutionary War in America, began as a war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and thirteen British colonies in North America, and ended in a global war between several European great powers, such as conflicts in India and West Africa between Great Britain and France—this would it hold true throughout the entire lifetime of in whom would she later earn and be a significantly named: Dr. Madam Sarah,-Patricia-O’Rourke-Cromwell!

         She, as it was here where she had been born to be such a beautiful and very healthy baby at 9lbs. 3 ounces at St. Peter’s Hospital in Troy, New York, and would she the rest of her life live in Athens, New York on this day and year known to the birth records being, in that, which was on the day and year of May 28th, 1729. And, did this here newborn, baby Sarah at this period has she had later she some seventy-one years later did she, unfortunately, died from “murine typhus,” a well, known plague at the time in the year of 1801-AD!  This plague was pervasive, and spread far and wide throughout many of the already established colonies in the Early-American communities making up several---hundred---thousand persons then, that, which, in this very year was it in of Sarah’s own tragedy in her dying while “Superintendent” of all Bible Study School of sum fifteen Colony address locations in the area where it exactly was it where. Miss Sarah O’Rourke had she so graciously and peacefully lived with both her mother and father for quite some many years!  And it was one also very true that it too possessed, already some twenty-one Public Rudimentary Public Schools, and---twenty-six conclaves’ in the entire Colony.

          Because they were in of these notable feats by Sarah that, which, were where they producing only quality, educational outcomes never had they before or even they had to make conclusively only was it seen by Sarah’s efforts of hard work by her undying, and indefatigable commitment into the many good impressions her work did it have unto the whom they saw and made their witnesses, too, and were they almost all persons there who witnessed this in the making with it one as a positive step. This it was very true, along with Sarah’s decisive, and undivided she did, and had she given the proper guidance, and would they hopefully find the aid and--in further did Sarah one to help as it was in it going in the right direction, forever many felt and believe and, so it did pan out for Sarah challenge herself being it to furthermore had she been overwhelmingly praised by the entire Colony, and this here applauding had I been one printed in the Colony’s many newspaper, and, some more of the most of all should it now be of it seen literally Sarah felt with all Colonists from the entire seven Colonies existing at was it by this period of time known, it is one very well done and completed, was it as well---literally to they in by of all persons’!  

         In the seventeenth century, most of the immigrants to English North America came from England. In the eighteenth century, they came instead from Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, and Germany. In 1660, there were approximately 2,920 Africans living in the colonies. By 1760, there were 300,000, and by an increase of a quite very much amazing 1700 percent! In the southern colonies, Africans made up 40 percent of the total population and by 1720 Africans were the majority population in South Carolina. Most of the population increase in the colonies came from natural increase. The American colonial economy was built on and sustained by trade, and these capitalist societies were tied increasingly to the economic network that spanned the Atlantic. Two revolutions took place during the eighteenth century: a consumer revolution and an industrious revolution. American religious, intellectual, and cultural life in the eighteenth century changed because of two movements: The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening. Both contributed to the humanitarianism that emerged at the end of the century, and both were products of the world that capitalism created!”  


Steven Komorowskia-Janos: “Gary, to end with this interview. What’s next by you to being soon published? I hope you already have something in the works, rightly so?”


Gary Beers: “Of course!  My next book and thus one being now realized, is a poetry stanza volume.  It name is “October. And, yes, I do hope to have it out by October of this year, Steven.  But, allow me to formally thank you for this here interview.  I know it was a significant one that required much of your time and unbelievable commitment.  Thanks again for having!”

Steven Komorowskia-Janos: “You are always welcome.  I did have a rather good time in with my preparing all of this for our readers.  You are so well loved, Gary!”

The End.

Source: Golden Vintage Publications, Inc.


Tags: Author Gary Beers, Beers, Books By Gary Beers, Gary, Gary Beers, Gary Beers and PumpKinRoo, Gary Beers' Poetry and Play Scripts

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