Americans Demand Resignation of Noah Mamet Over Passport Refusal
Los Angeles, February 9, 2016 ( - Sources:
American civil liberties experts such as The Rutherford Institutes's John Whitehead are concerned about the implications of an ambassador delaying indefinitely the renewal of an American passport without any due process of law.
John Whitehead, President, the Rutherford Institute
According to Buzzfeed, in 2014 Democratic Party insiders complained privately that Noah Mamet, founder and president of Noah Mamet Associates, abused his clients and cashed in on his ties to Jim Messina to snag the Buenos Aires ambassadorship, a job he is woefully unqualified for. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
This week, the Huffington Post Club alleges that Mamet leveraged his connections to the Hollywood billionaire Wasserman family and made questionable campaign contributions using family members and pseudonyms of other people during the Obama 2012 campaign
Mamet had also consulted at least one client specifically on how best to pursue an ambassadorship before ending up with one himself. A list of clients at, a link to which was removed, includes businessman Stephen Cloobeck, philanthropist Jay Snyder and City National Bank head Russell Goldsmith.
Visitor logs show that Mamet visited the White House 28 times between 2009 and 2015. On at least four of those occasions, Cloobeck, Snyder, and philanthropist Lynda Thomas accompanied him to meetings with White House officials. At the end of 2015, after Mamet had assumed his post, U.S. embassy Vice Consul Brendan O?Brien wrote a private letter stating that an American with a current U.S. passport is not necessarily entitled to renew it and return to the United States. American expats in Argentina question Noah Mamet's competency, and that of his subordinates Christopher Creaghe, Brendan O?Brien and Holly Wilkerson, to represent their interests.
Argentines have organized a movement demanding the removal of Noah Mamet from their country and an end to U.S. meddling in their politics. Large demonstrations demand his ouster. The English speaking press is oblivious to what is going on.
Allegations have surfaced in the Argentine media that Mamet is cooperating with Israeli intelligence services to frame ex-President Kirchner for a murder she did not commit on the eve of a hearing into back door dealings with Iran. An analysis of documents provided by Wikileaks shows that the late Alberto Nisman was taking marching orders from the U.S. embassy in a determined effort to blame Iran for the 1992 terrorist bombing of the Jewish Center in Buenos Aires.
American civil liberties experts such as The Rutherford Institutes's John Whitehead are concerned about the implications of an ambassador delaying indefinitely the renewal of an American passport without any due process of law.
Tags: corruption, Noah Mamet, Noah Mamet AssociatesU.S. embassy Argentina, racial profiling, U.S.passport denial