Amira Nature Foods Ltd (ANFI) Picked as Growth Firm

Zacks Research has kept a top Growth Style score on Amira Nature Foods Ltd (ANFI) stock.

Zacks Research has kept a top Growth Style score on Amira Nature Foods Ltd (ANFI) stock. The score illustrates both the company’s financials as well as growth prospects. The score has been placed on various elements like the Balance Sheet and Income Statement. Stocks that have been included in the list of high growth score displays best growth characteristics that help them to beat the market.

Market participants closely follow the analysts’ outlook before investing into Amira Nature Foods Ltd (ANFI). Brokerage firm researched by Zacks have kept a consensus long-term growth estimation of N/A. The market projection has been released after considering the earnings and sales outlook for the next few years. Investment professionals have placed the one-year price forecast of the stock at 8. Such estimate indicates the consensus view of 1 brokerages, which have analyzed the stock in the last few months.

Investment professionals use their specialized terminology for stock rating. It is why Zacks has developed a simplified system to give ratings on a 1-5 scale, where a score of one pinpoint towards Strong Buy and a score of ‘5’ a Strong Sell. Amira Nature Foods Ltd’s rating has been kept at 3. The price band range varies from low of $8 to high of $8.

As per the Amira Nature Foods Ltd (ANFI) update, it plans to release quarterly earnings on 2016-03-28. The investment professionals are eyeing EPS of $N/A for the quarter. Also, for the period ended N/A, the company’s earnings came at $N/A per share.

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Tags: ANFI, ANFI NYSE, Basmati Rice


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