Shares the Secrets to Creating a Money-making Machine Out of Publishing on Kindle

Amy Harrop and Deborah Drum is a team of self-publishing specialists who provide individuals the opportunity to self-publish on Kindle, offering must-know information, reports and training.

Amazon Kindle has been created a buzz among authors and publishers, pros and novices alike. While both writers and consumers do not entirely discount the benefits that traditional publishing offers, it is evident how Amazon's Kindle makes it more convenient for both. The platform allows readers enjoy millions of e-books per year from authors who are now able to publish on Kindle, without having to be professionals at that.

Making Kindle an even more ideal publishing platform for authors, Kindle Direct Publishing Select - which features an annual fund dedicated to independent authors and publishers - has recently added $1.5 to the deal, leading up to a whopping $6 million pool that self-published authors will get a percentage from. A monthly bonus also awaits authors who opt to publish in Amazon, whenever their book is borrowed from the Kindle Owners' Lending Library.

As such, there is no better time for publishing on Kindle, insist Amy Harrop and Deborah Drum, a tandem of self-publishing experts offering accessible training for making an income with online, digital, and Kindle Publishing.

At, Amy and Deb talk about how anyone - even non-professionals writers - can publish on Kindle and make money. The website provides a wealth of information about the dos and don'ts of publishing on Kindle, including insights to picking an effective book niche and making the most out of social media. Comprehensive training programs are also offered.

To assist self-publishing authors of everything from easy-to-read children's books to action and adventure stories to non-fiction journals, offers a complete report showing how anyone can get a passive income through Kindle publishing. The report, offered for free, talks about the variety of ways to publish and make money on the Kindle without being a professional writer.

To learn more about how to publish on Kindle for residual income, please visit for information and get the chance to own a the free report on successful publishing on Kindle.


Tags: digital publishing, ebook publishing, Kindle Publishing

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