An Intimate Peek At Female Frigidity, With Guest Author Cris Mazza
Online, October 5, 2013 ( - In this week's Ask Dr. Love Radio show, Dr. Jamie Turndorf pulls back the covers for an intimate look at female sexual frigidity.
Dr. Turndorf will be talking with renowned author, Cris Mazza, whose poignant memoir, Something Wrong with Her, tells the story of a girl who didn't feel the sexual awakenings she knew she was supposed to feel, and about the boy who loved her nonetheless. Thirty years later Cris Mazza went back to find that boy, now a man, only to discover that he'd never stopped yearning for her. Sadly, in an attempt to cauterize his feelings for her, he'd sealed himself into an abusive marriage.
Ultimately, Cris' story is a love story that describes her reconnection with her childhood love, the man who never stopped loving her, frigidity and all.
Tune in to hear Cris' fascinating and heartfelt story.
Hosted on, AskDrLove with Dr. Jamie Turndorf, is a live one hour Internet radio program airing at 1pm (EST) every Tuesday afternoon. Listeners can also call-in to the show and ask Dr. Turndorf for advice on any of their personal issues. Archived shows are available on,,, and iTunes.
Dr. Jamie Turndorf is a popular relationship expert and couples therapist, author, and radio show host known to millions around the world as the creator of, the Web's first free relationship advice site originally launched in 1996. now offers thousands of advice articles on every imaginable relationship, marriage, or dating advice question. You can follow Dr. Turndorf on Facebook and on Twitter @askdrlove.
Dr. Tundorf's advice and methods will bring greater romance and intimacy into your love life, so be sure to tune in or call in to the Ask Dr Love radio show and get help from one of today's top relationship experts. As Dr. Turndorf says, "Knowledge Is Your Key To Happy Relationships!"
Tags: ask dr love, Cris Mazza, Dating Help, dr jamie turndorf, dr love, female sexual frigidity, love, relationship advice