Anand Bhatt Sets Out to Save Impoverished Children in Mexico with Coffee

"Platinum Selling Rock Star Anand Bhatt teams up with Simply Smiles Coffee to help Oaxacan Villages"

Platinum selling rock star & Latin Grammy member Anand Bhatt has started endorsing Simply Smiles Coffee this week, a perpetual charity model for southern Mexico.

Simply Smiles, Inc comments, "The globalization of the coffee market has all but destroyed coffee farming as a sustainable way of life for families living in the mountains of southern Oaxaca, Mexico."

Bhatt's charitable efforts have been quite successful to date, and the "Mexican Coffee Endeavor" is no exception. Each bag of coffee sold is able to provide enough funds to feed a child for three weeks. Bhatt and Simply Smiles plan to start reaching out to coffee lovers and those that want to help via Facebook & Twitter.

Anand Bhatt fans now have an easy method for implementing positive change by both drinking Simply Smiles Coffee and by pressing the Like and Tweet buttons on the Simply Smiles Anand Bhatt page.

Anand Bhatt Salva Los Niños Pobres en Mexico con Cafe
"Platino Rock Star Anand Bhatt equipos con Simply Smiles Coffee para ayudar a los pueblos de Oaxaca"

La venta de Platino estrella de rock & Latin Grammy miembro Anand Bhatt ha comenzado a aprobar Simply Smiles Coffee esta semana, un modelo de caridad perpetua para el sur de Mexico.

Simply Smiles diga que, "La globalización del mercado del cafe casi ha destruido la agricultura del cafe como una forma de vida sostenible para las familias que viven en las montañas del sur de Oaxaca, Mexico."

Esfuerzos caritativos de Bhatt han tenido bastante exito hasta hoy, y el "Cafe Mexicano Endeavor" no es una excepción. Cada saco de cafe que se vende es capaz de proporcionar fondos suficientes para alimentar a un niño durante tres semanas. Simply Smiles y Anand Bhatt quieren empezar a llegar a los amantes del cafe y los que quieren ayudar a traves de Facebook y Twitter.

Ahora, Anand Bhatt aficionados tienen un metodo sencillo para la aplicación de un cambio positivo tanto por beber cafe y pulsando el botónes "Like" y "Tweet" en la página Anand Bhatt de Simply Smiles.

Apart from being seen on television, Anand Bhatt is most well-known for his music as both a charting solo pop/rock star and as the front man for the hardcore band Anand Clique. He is also the first Indian-American to be inducted into the Latin Grammys. Recent albums have gone multi-platinum in Sweden and gold in Spain.

Simply Smiles Inc. is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing bright futures for impoverished children. They have been previously successful with the Casa Hogar Benito Juarez Children's Home in Oaxaca City, Mexico. Simply Smiles has become a highly respected, and rapidly growing organization.

Note to Editors:
Anand Bhatt keeps open communication with fans through his official websites where people can get more information about him and his music.
Anand Bhatt music and products are available for sale at all major retail locations worldwide.


Tags: anand bhatt, awards, latin grammy, Mexico, simply smiles coffee

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