Angela Brown Releases a Clutter Corner Playlist - Now Available on Ask a House Cleaner

Angela Brown, a professional house cleaner of 25 years and host of the Ask a House Cleaner show, releases a Clutter Corner playlist to help reduce clutter and clean up messy homes.

Angela Brown, Host of Ask a House Cleaner in the Clutter Corner

Angela Brown, host of the Ask a House Cleaner show produced by Savvy Cleaner, releases a new Clutter Corner Playlist to provide decluttering help for those with scary rooms or closets. "During the pandemic, houses got a lot more wear and tear with people staying at home. Now that life is finding its balance in a post-Covid world, many homeowners confess they are too embarrassed to ask for help with their messy living spaces," Brown admits.

Angela Brown on Scary Rooms and Closets

"Families have unusable catch-all rooms referred to as 'scary rooms' because nobody really knows what kind of stuff is in there or what to do with it," states Angela Brown. "You're not alone if you have a scary room, and it's okay to ask for help cleaning it."

"As of 2020, Finances Online reported 128.45 million households in the US and they all need cleaning and decluttering," claims Angela Brown. "And when the masses stayed home for a year, they purchased their stuff online. This triggered a buying trend which resulted in storing old and new items in already full apartments, condos and homes and creating scary rooms if they didn't already exist."

It was early 2020 when Brown pivoted the Ask a House Cleaner show to include clutter conversations. Her YouTube channel with short shows of five to eight minutes each started pulling in seventy thousand hours of watch time per month from viewers looking for answers.

Welcome to the Clutter Corner

"Just getting rid of clothes and tchotchkes doesn't declutter your home," adds Angela Brown. "Without a firm understanding about one's feelings about an item, its current purpose, and rules about restocking it once it's gone - the tendency is to fill the void they've just created."

Brown's Clutter Corner playlist shows homeowners how to take one item or one box at a time to a simple table to work through common items in a home and uncover why it's okay to let go of stuff they no longer want, need, or use.

About Ask a House Cleaner

Headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., USA the daily show and podcast Ask a House Cleaner is available on Audible, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Amazon Music, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, and more. The YouTube show by the same name with its closed captioning can be viewed in 191 languages worldwide.

Sally Naidu
Director of Media Relations
Savvy Cleaner
[email protected]

Source: Savvy Cleaner


Tags: Angela Brown, Ask a House Cleaner, cleaning, Clutter, hoarding, house cleaning, messy house

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Savvy Cleaner is a global training program that certifies professional house cleaners and maids. The training includes courses on chemical safety, personal protective equipment, eco cleaning supplies, how to clean, and how to sanitize cleaning tools.

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PO Box 49266
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