Angry Movie Guy Will Absolutely Guarantee More Laughs

A Wonderful Romance in the Mainstream Media. Izzy "Isabella" Church: Actress, Singer and Writer Pens her First Book, Angry Movie Guy.

 The publishing industry can be brutal, but it is nothing compared to the cutthroat media and entertainment industry. Izzy Church has an intimate understanding of each field. Already an accomplished entertainer, Church decided it was time to further her writing exploits and moved to her first novel, Angry Movie Guy.

Angry Movie Guy is a laugh out loud romantic comedy novel inspired by fiery media personalities and shock jocks, like the well-known hosts Howard Stern and Simon Cowell. Its star, Charlie Zimmerman, is a highly paid explosive movie reviewer. Zimmerman’s early career is stagnating, and the only way he keeps it afloat is to adopt a new persona. He becomes a sensationalist, shock-jock style reviewer we love to hate, known for his acerbic wit and biting film reviews. This sees his meteoric rise to fame and stardom. Though not caring a whit about the impact of his reviews he alienates those around him. In the end the demands of the media world and his teeth gnashing reviews could cost him his career and the love of his life.

"I wanted to create a film industry novel," said Izzy Church, "This way people can finish my book thinking how great a movie it would make."

Izzy Church, Author

Kirkus Reviews calls Angry Movie Guy “A fast-paced sometimes slapstick film industry novel with a vibrant cast of characters.”

Izzy’s book launch event takes place February 24th, 2016 from 6:00 to 9:00pm at the National Writers Union – 256 West 38th Street, 12 Floor.  The event is hosted by Izzy Church and moderated by comedian/actor Kevin Janaway. Sponsors for the evening are IN Studios, Black Hawk Imports, Canei, Vodkila and the National Writers Union. RSVP to [email protected].

Angry Movie Guy is on store shelves and available via download February 14th, 2016., Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and many others.

Get the book before it becomes a movie. Angry Movie Guy is published through Square Monkey Publishing, Orders can be placed through , or Independent Publishers Group. Email: [email protected]

Learn more about Angry Movie Guy at 

About Izzy Church: Izzy attended Mary Mount Manhattan College graduating with honors with a degree in Communication Arts, specializing in writing for film and television. To further her writing career she interned at DreamWorks for the head of the film/television department where she later worked. Additionally, she pursued her acting studies with Shane Ann Younts and Maggie Flanigan, (one of the top acting instructors in the country). Through her boutique media company 3rd Culture Creative, Izzy has other projects in the works, including a children’s book, an animated series intended for a mature audience and another romantic comedy. All of her current time, however, is centered on, Angry Movie Guy.

Learn More about Izzy Church at:


Tags: Angry Movie Guy, Author, Celebrity, Comedy, Howard Stern, Humor, Izzy Church, Shock Jock

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