Animated Laughter with Feelings is the Best Medicine by Joel Vorensky
Online, October 12, 2009 ( - Vision Map Video on Blog Talk Radio will be present Joel Vorensky; the radio show will take place on October 14, 2009 at 11:00 AM Pacific Time on Good Morning Inspiration, this is a live radio show with call in capabilities.
Joel has spent his career expanding the science and the understanding that laughter is a powerful tool that increases ones attention span, expands alertness and awareness - and also stimulates and accelerates healing! As many of us can attest, Laughter is indeed the Best Medicine, and as Vorensky shares - "Animated Laughter with Feelings is the Best Medicine" -- having the power to change our perceptions and allowing us to feel at ease.
He has come the realization we are spending our time focusing on serious issues and raising our voices, combining our efforts and asserting ourselves to make certain that positive change occurs that uplifts, supports and empowers our families and our citizens -- our neighborhoods and communities -- and our nation and the world; sometimes we forget to take a moment for ourselves and enjoy a good laugh to rejuvenate our energies and recharge our lives.
Good Morning Inspiration is a weekly one hour radio program that showcases people that have a passion and inspiration about a certain topic that they wish to share with the world. The host of the program is Darlene Siddons who produces Vision Map Videos and is a personal coach with Effortless Lifestyle Balancing, she wants to spread her belief that there is more inspiration and passion going on in the world than drama and upset so she has put together this weekly radio program to prove that.
As a Best Selling Author of "I Dare To Heal With Compassionate Love" he was given the honor of the book being declared as "number one in its category," by Midwest Book Review and won the Conscious Living Award. He is also very involved in keeping is blog up to date, where
He also has a Blog, where he writes insightful articles, which includes keeping us informed about his discovery's and advancements in the science of laughter. If you have any questions about how the gift of laughter can improve your life you will want to be sure and tune into the radio show and ask Joel all of your questions.
All listeners are encouraged to call in to ask questions of the weekly guest and/or the host at: 347-838-8498
Tags: Darlene Siddons, Good Morning Inspiration, Joel Vorensky, laughter, Spirited Boutique, Vision Map Video