Ankita Gupta's Insightful Experience At 9.9 SoCs "Insights" Session

The lively, enthusiastic and cheerful Ankita Gupta of Digital Media Communication at 9.9 School of Convergence shares her unforgettable memories and experiences at "Insights"

"Insights" made me come to terms with myself. When I initially got invited for our orientation day, I was wondered what the workshop would be like and what purpose would it serve? But now looking at it in retrospect, all I can say is- Those days' treasured archives are loaded with memories, activities, fun filled moments and extra-ordinary experiences; the orientation day was exclusive in itself.

If I say that the theatre workshop with Rashi Bunny was extremely enlightening and exciting, it would be an understatement. The activities were beyond intriguing, so much so that I spent every night anticipating what is in store next day. I am also grateful to the workshop for so many reasons; most of all for allowing us to sharing our mind, it made us connect on an all new level. We started to understand one another; it was an ice-breaker. We spoke about ourselves and learnt to accept each other in terms of who we are.

On the very first day of the workshop, after lunch, we all were asked to lie down and shut our eyes with instrumental music playing in the back. It was extremely soothing and an amazing feeling altogether. It felt as if I am floating on air without any sense and consciousness of the destination. The activities which followed included walking in circles and changing directions every now and then, crazy as it sounds, it was super fun.

Another game demanded us to make some gesture and introduce ourselves to each other and then we were asked to recall each other's names and enact their individual gestures and this one boggled us! Then, there was a brief introductory session where everyone talked about their education, their failures, their dreams and aspirations; it was interesting because I to connected with most in the room. The major advantage of these orientation days was that they helped all of us relate to each other and understand one another well.

The activity that I found most interesting was called 'wow' (not kidding); wherein groups were asked to portray a painting according to the theme they were provided with. Creativity could not be expressed in a better way than that!

On the second day, as the intensity of activities grew, we were all in the best spirits and were brimming energy. The morning rose with breathing exercises and shifted to the already popular- "Walking around in random directions "session. This morning also included a very sensitive activity (literally), where we had to feel flowers and stones with eyes closed, this activity had a positive yet intense impact on me. As I thought 'what better can happen?' Flowers were showered upon us! - fulfilling my childhood dream...for that minute there, I was a princess, straight out of a Disney movie. Coming back to the real world, we were asked to perform gibberish play in groups, using a prop each to assist us in our enactment. Then we had to observe a set of paintings and responded or react to them. These paintings included the ever so famous painting," Whistler's mother".

The next activity put our imagination to a test as were asked to picture ourselves in the years to follow, also we were taken down memory lane as we observed the years past. The entire activity was an emotional roller-coaster, it deeply moved us. I felt pain, anger, happiness, joy, separation, anxiety as we were asked to understand our purpose in this world and how do we want our life to be. The after effects of this activity on everyone were visible and that's how the second day concluded itself.

On the third day, we ran on grass barefoot as rain poured upon us. We did breathing exercises and learnt the secret of breathing. It was almost like I was child again- carefree, high spirited and enthusiastic. The workshop took a very interesting turn when we were told to perform a dance in a group infusing those breathing movements and were given the theme "life", everyone did their best and the outcome 'was breath taking'. Then, we all were given a chart paper and were asked to paint our dreams and later we were asked to elaborate and explain them. In groups of four or five, we scribbled our dreams with all available colours, the product of which was a colourful collage of beautiful dreams.

Later we created advertisements in groups of two with interesting jingles and with some history on the subject of the advert. It was so much fun. Discussing about the product with the partner and creating a story out of it. The fun doubled as we saw performances developed on innovative ideas that were applied to create adverts. Never was creativity so inspiring. Soon we were all sitting in a circle and sharing our minds, expressing about all the activities we did and the dreams we harbor.

Overall it was an amazing journey; I was really happy and content on my way back home and now while penning it all down, that sense of happiness and content is coming back to me. SoC is the place to be and am proud I am a part of it.

By Ankita Gupta


Tags: 9.9soc, SOC, top journalism

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