Annodyne, Inc. Slated to Share Expertise at GPCC Owner's Only Program: Branding & Social Media
Online, November 2, 2009 ( - Anthony Campisi, President & CEO of Annodyne, Inc., is scheduled to speak at the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce's Fall Owner's Only Program: Branding & Social Media on November 6, 2009.
The event will take place in Chamber offices at the Philadelphia Park Hyatt Hotel. Geared exclusively toward regional business owners and members of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, the program will feature a two-part series presentation by Social Media expert, Anthony Campisi and Branding expert, Bill Gullan, Senior Vice President of Finch Brands. The presentation will be followed by intimate peer-to-peer roundtable discussions between the experts and attendees.
Campisi will focus on social media and its effects on marketing as we currently know it while Gullan will highlight the importance and impact of brand identity and communication in today's economy.
Earlier this year, Campisi was a featured guest speaker at the American Teleservices Association (ATA) Mid-Atlantic Chapter's event: "Social Media! The convergence of traditional consumer interaction and the new digital age," the BOSS Group's Creative Connects event "Marketing for Today: Leveraging Interactive & Integrated Channels to Prosper in Turbulent Times," the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce's Professional Development Forum, "Navigating through Tough Economic Times" and was also contacted and subsequently spotlighted by the Philadelphia Business Journal to comment on the topic of Social Media.
Tags: advertising in blue bell, annodyne, annodyne inc, anthony campisi, gpcc, greater Philadelphia chamber of , Philadelphia advertising, philadelphia events, Philadelphia social media, social media