Announced Today The Launch of The World Famous Corley Collection Website

FORT WORTH - Brad Smith in conjunction with Don L. Corley, an International Big Game Hunter, have launched the Corley Collection Website, The Corley Collection is the world's foremost collection of North American Big Game.

Brad Smith in conjunction with Don L. Corley, an International Big Game Hunter, have launched the Corley Collection Website, The Corley Collection is the world's foremost collection of North American Big Game Animals. The "31" North American Big Game Animals are in this collection and are all record class. These "31" are all listed and recognized in the Safari Club International Record Book and many of them are recognized in Boone & Crockett as well. The entire collection is on permanent display and consists of approximately 90 life-size mounted species, including several spectacular action mounts, and can be seen in person when visiting Bass Pro Shops in Grapevine, Texas.

Mr. Corley has won numerous awards including Super Slam of North American Big Game, North American 31 #1 Collection of North American Animals in the World, Dallas Safari Club's Outstanding Hunter Achievement Award, and Safari Club International North American "27" and North American "30" Award just to name a few.

Mr. Corley is an icon and a tribute to the hunting world and the worldwide fraternity of hunters as well as a pillar in his community. Don has collected the original North American "27" plus the Sitka Black-tailed Deer, Central Canadian Caribou, Roosevelt Elk, and Tule Elk for a total of all thirty-one "31" North American Big Game Animals to make up the world famous "Corley Collection." The Corley Collection has been donated to the "American National Fish & Wildlife Museum located in Springfield Missouri and is now displayed at Bass Pro Shop in Grapevine Texas.


Tags: 27, 30, big game hunting, big horn, black-tailed, corley collection, deer, don corley, elk, hunting, hunting for bear, jaguar, moose, mounitain lion, north american 31, pacific walrus, Polar, RAM, sheep, sitka, tule, whitetail, wild sheep

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Brad Smith
Press Contact, Corley Collection