Announcing the 2019 Book Excellence Award Winners
![2019 Book Excellence Award Winners and Finalists](files/1b/95/9829744aecd84fdce2129b7ba539.jpg)
TORONTO, July 16, 2019 ( - Literary Excellence Incorporated, founder and sponsor of the Book Excellence Awards, is proud to announce the winners of the 2019 Book Excellence Awards Competition.
The Book Excellence Awards is an international book awards competition dedicated to providing authors and publishers with the opportunity to showcase their books on a global platform. Previous honorees have seen major benefits after winning an award, including garnering attention from film producers, getting distribution in bookstores, increasing their visibility, media coverage and book sales as well.
"The Book Excellence Awards are a must if you are an author who wants to get more visibility, credibility and publicity for your book and your work. You become an author to enrich and make an impact in your readers' lives. Winning this award can bring you a step closer in achieving this," shared Tony Selimi, former Book Excellence Award Winner. The program also offers authors and publishers marketing support by providing resources in topics such as publishing, marketing, writing, publicity and social media. All winners receive a prize package valued at $4,000 and all finalists receive a prize package valued at $2,250. In addition, all applicants of the Book Excellence Awards receive a book marketing course called the Ultimate Book Sales System (valued at $500) for free.
The 2019 Book Excellence award-winning titles were chosen based on their design, layout, writing quality and overall market appeal. The following are the 2019 award winners, listed with their respective category, book title and author name(s):
Action - Still Shot by Nancy Quatrano
Addiction and Recovery - For this Cause: Against All Odds by Nascosta InCristo and Patrizzia Coombes
Adventure - The Lost Ones by Carl Lakeland
Aging - Rejuvenaging: The Art and Science of Growing Older with Enthusiasm by Ron Kaiser
Animals/Pets - Love Alba by Sophy Burnham
Anthology - Dear Time, Are You On My Side? by Ky-Lee Hanson, Dierdre Slattery, Charleyne Oulton, Sara Gustafson, Tina Kalogrias, Habiba Jessica Zaman, Charmaine Hamp, Effie Mitskopoulos, Stephanie Butler, Karem Mieses, Falon Joy Malec, Natashia Newhouse, Jessica Stewart, Yomi Marcus, Sherri Marie Gaudet, Maryann Perri, Diana Zurbuchen, Janelle Mason, Julie Chessell
Art - 1&0, Lion & Mouse, Aries the Sheep and other Fairy-Tales by Oleg Kush
Arts and Entertainment - Ballroom Icons by Brigitt Mayer
Biography - My Sister, My Daughter, and Me (Tres Senoritas Locas) by Shirley Rose Webb
Body/Mind/Spirit - Decrypto: Unlock Your Life Journey by Linda K. Ford
Book Cover Design - Burying the Lede by Joseph LeValley
Books in a Series (Must Enter At Least 2 Books) - Ian's Realm Saga: The Trilogy Books 1 - 3 by D.L. Gardner
Business - Be the Spark: Five Platinum Service Principles for Creating Customers for Life by Simon T. Bailey
Career - Thoughtfully Ruthless: The Key to Exponential Growth by Val Wright
Caregiving - H.O.P.E. for the Alzheimer’s Journey: Help, Organization, Preparation, and Education for the Road Ahead by Carol B. Amos
Children's Education - Hurtsy the Harrowed Hedgehog by Cindy Graves
Children's Fiction - The Book of Chaos by Jessica Renwick
Children's Inspirational/Motivational - Be The One by Maria Ashworth
Children's Non-Fiction - Little Miss History Travels to The North Pole by Barbara Ann Mojica
Children's Religion - A Marvelous Plan In Bethlehem by Kim Mitzo Thompson and Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand
Death and Dying - Love Your Life to Death by Yvonne Heath
Divorce - Deciding on Joy: My Journey from Break Up to Breakthrough in 30 Days by Dr. Stephanie D. Barnes
Education and Academic - Science Stumpers: Brain-Busting Scenarios Solved with Science by Keegan Burmark and Kevin Brougher
Entrepreneurship - Magnetic Entrepreneur: A Personality That Attracts by Robert J. Moore
Environment - 1, 2, 3, Who's Cleaning the Sea?: A Counting Picture Book About Protecting Our Planet (Early Childhood Concepts) by Janina Rossiter
Erotica - The Brilliant Game by A. Gavazzoni
Faction - The Lost Years of Billy Battles by Ronald E. Yates
Fantasy - Reality: The Struggle for Sternessence by Daniel A. Liut
Female Empowerment - Upside Down to Right Side Up: Turning Transition into Triumph by Maria Tomas-Keegan
Fiction - Webs of Perception by Darlene Quinn
Finances - Investment Atlas II - Using History as a Financial Tool by Kenneth G. Winans
Fitness - Couch to Active: The Missing Link That Takes You From Sedentary to Active by Lyn Lindbergh
Friendship - Sir Princess Petra's Talent: The Pen Pieyu Adventures by Diane Mae Robinson
Gift Book - Little Thoughts For Big Days by Kay Jantzi
Grief - My Yellow Balloon by Tiffany Papageorge
Health - Paint Your Hair Blue: A Celebration of Life with Hope for Tomorrow in the face of Pediatric Cancer by Sue Matthews and Andrea Cohane
Historical - Rebels Against Tyranny: Civil War in the Crusader States by Helena P. Schrader
Holiday - Off the Hook: A Christmas Ornament Adventure by John Arvai
Horror - Armageddon: An Apache Story by Pablo Omar Zaragoza and Susan Giffin
Humor - Trashy Romance Novel by Jacqueline E. Smith
Inspirational - Addicted to Hate by Lucia Mann
Leadership - The Bellwether Effect: Stop Following. Start Inspiring by Lance Secretan
LGBTQ Fiction - Twisted Deception by Isabella
LGBTQ Non-Fiction - You Can't Buy Love Like That: Growing up Gay in the Sixties by Carol E. Anderson
Management - The Performance Principle: A Practical Guide to Understanding Motivation in the Modern Workplace by Mackenzie Kyle
Marketing - You Can't Be Everywhere: A Common Sense Approach to Digital Marketing For Any Business by Marie Wiese
Marriage - Sex Education for Adults Secrets To Amazing Sex and Happily Ever After Too by John Wilder
Medical - Death by Regulation: How We Were Robbed of a Golden Age of Health and How We Can Reclaim It by Mary J. Ruwart
Memoir - E.A.T. An Unconventional Decade In The Life Of A Cancer Patient by Kathy Mydlach Bero
Military - Step Out, Step Up: Lessons From a Lifetime of Transitions and Military Service by Mark E. Green and Echo Montgomery Garrett
Motivational - Habits For Success: Inspired Ideas to Help You Soar by G. Brian Benson
Multicultural Fiction - The Gospel According to Prissy by Barbara Casey
Multicultural Non-Fiction - Access to Asia by Sharon Schweitzer
Music - Tears and Trombones by Nanci Lee Woody
Mystery - Sins of the Fathers by S. W. Frontz
Parenting - The Emotionally Healthy Child: Helping Children Calm, Center and Make Smarter Choices by Maureen Healy
Performing Arts - Don't Forget to Check Your Files: The Memoirs of a Dancer by Arthur Wilman
Personal Growth and Development - Shift: 4 Steps to Personal Empowerment by Adele Spraggon
Photography - The Art of the Living Mollusk by Charles E. Rawlings
Picture Book - Ages 4 to 8 - You Can Call Me Katelyn by Keri Collins
Picture Book - All Ages - I Am Worthy by Cachet Allen
Picture Book - Preschool - Gillie Can Share by Sarah-Leigh Wills
Pre-Teen Fiction - Britfield and the Lost Crown by C.R. Stewart
Pre-Teen Non-Fiction - Illumination: Lewis Howard Latimer: Thank A Black Man Series - 1 by Sylvia Hawkins Little
Psychology - Undettered: KKK Survivor, KKK Witness by Tracey Brame
Real Estate - The Employee Millionaire: How to Use Your Day Job to Become a Millionaire with Rental Properties by H. J. Chammas
Reference - Think Fast!: The Insight You Need To Compete and Win with Self-Service Analytics by Gregory P. Steffine
Relationships - More: Journey to Mystical Union Through the Sacred and the Profane by Mariah McKenzie
Religion - Life is a Highway: A Roadmap for Your Journey by Ian C. Byrd
Romance - The Rigel Affair by L M Hedrick
Sales and Marketing - Expand, Grow, Thrive: 5 Proven Steps To Turn Good Brands Into Global Brands Through The LASSO Method by Pete Canalichio
Science - The Naked Truth about God: The Quest to Find Evidence for Whether God Exists Reveals an Epic Discovery that has Eluded Religion and Science by Brian Goedken
Science Fiction - Biomass Rewind by Terry Persun
Self-Help - Less Stress LIfe: How I Went from Crazed to Calm and You Can Too by Jamie Sussel Turner
Spirituality - Cosmic and Universal Laws by Margo Kirtikar
Sports - Heart of a Champion, the Life & Legacy of Coach Bill Freeman by Jennifer Freeman
Suspense - Chakana by Zach Fortier
Sustainability - The Balance Point: A Missing Link in Human Consciousness by Joseph Jenkins
Technology - Heartificial Empathy: Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence by Minter Dial
Thriller - The Death of Vultures by Susan Wingate
Travel - Spin the Globe: The Incredible Adventures of Frederick von Wigglebottom by Edward Moldenhauer
True Crime - Embracing The Abyss by John Smith
Western - Whispers Among The Prairie by Michelle Roberts
Women's Health - On Her Plate by Ky-Lee Hanson, Tania Moraes-Vaz, Effie Mitskopoulos, Samantha Cifelli, Jenna Knight, Margie Cook, Paula Mann, Kelly Spencer, Deirdre Slattery, Charleyne Oulton, Sindy Ng, Jy Nanda, Neli Tavares Hession, Allison Marschean, Rebecca Hall, Amy Rempel, Meghan Rose, The Plantiful Chef, Ashly Hill
Writing and Publishing - The A, B, & Cs of Author Partnering by Joy Don Baker and Terri Goodman
Young Adult Fiction - Seven Bridges by Jolene Polyack
Young Adult Nonfiction - Dirty Science: How Unscientific Methods Are Blocking Our Cultural Advancement by Bob Gebelein
About the Book Excellence Awards – The Book Excellence Awards is an international awards competition dedicated to providing authors from all genres and backgrounds the opportunity to showcase their work on a global platform. The organization accepts entries from countries all over the world in over 100 unique categories. To learn more about the Book Excellence Awards, visit
Source: Literary Excellence Incorporated
Tags: Author, Book Award, Book Excellence Awards, Books, Publisher, Publishing, Self-Publishing, Writing