Announcing The Opening Of Barcelona English Teachers Association
Online, July 30, 2010 (
Want to teach English in Barcelona, Spain?
Barcelona is a fascinating city, modern and historic with miles of beaches and the Mediterranean Sea. There are many opportunities for English teachers in the city. There are over 10,000 English teachers and nearly 150 language academies in Barcelona, as well as many public and private schools and thousands of companies who require English teachers for their employees.. However, getting a job can be difficult and badly paid. There is also a lot of competition. You need to be prepared. But you are not alone anymore, help is at hand.
Barcelona English Teachers' Association (BETA) was formed to help both new and experienced teachers get more work and more money for their teachers.
We can help you with the following:
Improve your CV to improve your chances of getting work as an English teacher in Barcelona.
Help with your job hunting effort, showing you where to look.
Advise you on requirements for legally working either as an employed teacher or freelance. Working as an employee typically pays 10 to 12 Euros an hour whereas freelance you can earn 25+ Euros an hour.
Provide credibility to your CV (become a BETA teacher).
Prepare you for your interviews
Invoicing companies, and even give you the possibility to offer your services free to companies whilst getting paid (through a government grant system).
Help with finding economical accommodation.
Provide classrooms for you to offer private classes in a professional environment, so you can decide what hours you want and how much you want to charge each student. You can offer your teaching services to clubs, companies, families, in fact, anyone, and teach them in your own classroom.
Offer a central meeting point to interact with other English teachers.
Courses to be make you a more professional teacher and increase your work opportunities, as well as courses in Spanish and Catalan.
We also plan to be a certified test centre so you will be able to offer examinations to your students.
When you get to Barcelona, don't do everything on your own, we are here to help. Drop in for a chat:
We are situated in:
C/Begur 23, Bajos,
Sants (Metro: Badal)
We also have a reception, WiFi, and a snackbar.
Call us for more information or to reserve your classroom.
Tags: Barcelona, english, Spain, teachers, teaching