Anouncing My New Website, Dedicated To Ebook Lovers

A great place to visit for entertaining reads and shorts, and general comments on the state of Sci-fi and other quality books available today.

The Golden Age of Scifi is DEAD.

Feel otherwise? Let me know at

I grew up on Asimov. Asimov, Tolkien, Arthur C. Clark, swallowed up whole all of Doyle's mysteries, Burroughs and his very populated Mars stories with horrendous endings, and much more.

And yet, where is classic, good old fashioned science fiction now? Scifi has mutated, morphed, evolved in some cases into something less than the sum of its parts. Why do I say this? Because, Science Fiction should be FICTION, with SCIENCE in it. Apparently, I'm not alone in this idea either. How else would the popularity of Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate and other movies and shows be explained? Yet in books, although classic scifi can still be found, much of it now comes in the form of a heroin solidly planted in the future (scifi) carrying a sword and wielding some sort of fantastical power unexplained by science(fantasy). Worse yet, sometimes the sword (or whatever prop is used) is the power. This has become so popular today that no longer is there a section at your local book store labeled 'Science Fiction,' but instead, 'Science Fiction/Fantasy'. This is weird. Why? Do you see 'Murder mystery/Fantasy'? 'Thriller/Fantasy'? 'Comedy/Fantasy'?

My web site is for you, those who crave good ol' sci-fi but are having a hard time finding it. Please visit and leave a comment!


Tags: aliens, apple ibookstore, books, books on board, e-books, ebooks, interstellar war, kindle, mobipocket, omnilit, online books, smahswords, Sony, space


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Paul Neto
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24 Providence Dr.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210