APlusA.org.uk Has a New Safety Plan: Employees Trained for Fire, Choking, and More!

After a wake-up call, APlusA.org.uk has implemented an office safety plan which includes employee training to avoid and deal with fire, choking hazards, and tripping hazards.

Realizing that any existing corporate safety plan was probably outdated, APlusA.org.uk has generated a new plan which includes training for all employees. Fire evacuation, fire avoidance, choking, trip and fall, infection control; all these will be addressed. Employees will be involved at every phase of this process over the next year, and beyond, through information sessions, CPR and Heimlich training, fire drills, and the development and updating of written policies. APlusA.org.uk has even invested in more and better circuit breaker power strips to avert electrical fires. These actions are all oriented to keeping APlusA.org.uk employees safe and ready to help customers with all their writing needs.

Writers and editors don't usually think of themselves as risk-takers (unless perhaps they have a Walter Mitty complex), but danger lurks everywhere these days. When the APlusA.org.uk fire extinguisher, a required piece of business equipment, was discovered under a pile of reference books (Chicago Manual of Style among them), APlusA.org.uk management began to wonder: Did we have a plan for emergencies such as fire, or choking, or any of a myriad of other situations?

Well, yes, but not a recent one. How foolish would we feel if we had an emergency and responded with panic rather than calm preparedness? APlusA.org.uk staff is our most critical asset, and nearly our only one!

So, APlusA.org.uk created a safety plan and training program for employees, addressing all sorts of issues. For example, we now have an emergency evacuation routine, designated fire marshals, scheduled fire extinguisher checks, no-smoking signs, and procedure for dealing with potentially flammable chemicals. We even have a written policy regarding overloading electrical outlets, a major source of fires.

While we were at it, we decided to include the Heimlich Maneuver in our employee safety training program; workday snacking generates choking hazards. While we were at it, we brought in a CPR trainer, and will schedule regular refreshers (none of us is getting younger!). To avoid trips and falls, we now have a policy on clear floor space and passageways.

For completeness, we updated our first aid kit, and now explicitly encourage hand-washing to avoid such infections as MRSA, not to speak of flu and colds.

Check out how APlusA.org.uk cares for our writers, and our customers with writing, editing, and research, at http://aplusa.org.uk

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Tags: College Life, federal student aid, financial aid, financial student aid, Grant, scholarship

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