APlusA.org.uk Survey Quite Upbeat: Clients Want Help with Response Papers
Recent survey results at APlusA.org.uk show very positive feedback: Customers say they want help with response papers
Online, June 28, 2010 (Newswire.com) - APlusA.org.uk surveys customers with fair regularity to ensure that any problems surface promptly. The most recent such effort revealed a reassuring picture of the firm, as seen through customers' eyes. The staffers interacting with clients directly got high marks; even the APlusA.org.uk folks who handle billing!
In the course of our interviews, we offer customer respondents a chance to suggest products, services, or improvements to enhance our services. This time around, we were interested to hear that response papers were a type of project which customers were considering submitting for "the APlusA.org.uk treatment".
We wonder why demand for help with this rather intimate genre is on the increase, at this particular time. Several possible reasons suggest themselves:
Is it possible that "teaching to the test", often involving multiple-choice assessments, has pre-empted essay writing exercises which would prepare students for response papers?
Are students not reading original sources at full-length, but instead, pre-digested excerpts in textbooks or compilations?
Is it possible that larger classes deprive teachers of time for constructive writing feedback?
Is the complex vocabulary of the interior life being abandoned for the simplicity of sad/mad/glad?
Are ESL students left behind?
Whatever the causes for increasing demand for response paper projects, APlusA.org.uk has the professional writing staff to help. Fortunately, these are straightforward to complete, since the only requirements are reading and responding. An observation about the assigned work, supported by argument, and bolstered by textual examples, is all that is needed.
APlusA.org.uk can shepherd any student from initial reading, to brainstorming, through outlining, drafts, and final presentation. There is much more information on APlusA.org.uk's manifold services, and pricing, at http://aplusa.org.uk
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