Apparent Etch Slides Accessibility into the iPhone App Store with BART Fares

Apparent Etch today unveiled the first transit iPhone application with a sleek interface that allows users to query the current BART fare from anywhere. BART Fares helps users get where they want in seconds.

"New BART riders often feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of options available by the Bay Area Rapid Transit system (BART). We figured that there had to be a more streamlined way to find information that users want," says Anson Liu, developer of Apparent Etch.

An innovative utility for regular commuters and travelers alike, the application starts through two channels: the origin or the destination. Once the user has selected which location he wishes to choose first, a station picker appears and lets the user single out the desired station. If user is not familiar with the stations' whereabouts, he can tap a map icon to bring up the transit map that appears on the BART website. After the origin and destination have been selected, BART Fares connects to the official servers to retrieve the current fare price.

iPhone applications continue to become more complex with every generation. According to AdMob's May 2010 Mobile Metrics Report, iOS devices have a higher internet usage than other handsets due to increased growth the past year. (

About Apparent Etch
Apparent Etch has developed well publicized apps such as Geometry Stash, a geometry reference program for the iPhone. Always thinking up new ideas, it is a custom development company. Apparent Etch has been written about in the Oakland Tribune and and talked about on Sing Tao Chinese Radio. To view the company's blog or get more information, visit or call (510) 386-8680.


Tags: bart, bart app, bart iphone, bay area app, iPad, iPhone, iphone app, iphone transit, metro

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Anson Liu
Press Contact, Apparent Etch
Apparent Etch
Fremont, CA
Fremont, CA 94539