Apple Heads Into The Post-PC World

With the launching of iOS 5, Apple heads into the PC world as iPhone, iPad and iPod can now be set up and all of our content can be sync as like personal computers by using wireless syncing.

Could this be the end of personal computers? That was the question Contador Wanarua, the head of software development at Somocon Oy, a Finland technology company asked himself when Steve jobs took to the stage yesterday. This is because when iOS 5 is launched in the autumn, the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch will all be 'PC Free', meaning they can be set up and used right out of the box with an iTunes account and wireless syncing.

That's an upgrade of sorts for iOS devices and, as part of Apple's iCloud launch, the personal computer, whether it's a Mac or not, has been downgraded. We used to sync all of our content to our PCs, Jobs told WWDC attendees yesterday, but in a world where numerous devices contain all kinds of content that we want to keep in sync, that's no longer viable.

So the PC becomes another device, rather than the media hub, and the cloud takes over as the place where all of our content lives. As with most of the things that Apple does, this is not a new concept. Google's Chromebooks operate on a similar basis; login with your Google account and all of your files and personal information are delivered from the cloud. What Apple has done is what they always do: to take an existing product or service and deliver it in a way that's simpler and better designed. The Mac, meanwhile, is becoming more iOS-like, with easy to use app menus, a reduced dependence on file management systems and a more touch-driven interface that might soon make the mouse obsolete.


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