Applicants Looking to Positive Job Growth Numbers For Hope

Although it seems that the economy is finally beginning to rebound from the harsh recession of the past two years, the good economic news coming out of the reports from Washington may not all be good news for the unemployed worker seeking a new posit

Although it seems that the economy is finally beginning to rebound from the harsh recession of the past two years, the good economic news coming out of the reports from Washington may not all be good news for the unemployed worker seeking a new position.

Even if you are lucky to receive an employment offer - many new positions come with strings attached - A large number of companies have either scaled back or eliminated programs that reimbursed new hires for expenses such as relocation costs, forcing applicants to finance their own expenses by using a portion of their initial pay, using savings or obtaining signature loans.

Since, in many cases, spending money and stretching already tight budgets in order to achieve employment is a difficult proposition, some job-seekers are turning to personal loans or signature loans or other forms of personal credit in order to finance their job hunt.

President Barack Obama, speaking in North Carolina., said that a recent positive jobs report from the Department of Labor was a sign that the economy is improving and that the economic stimulus legislation passed a year ago was having a positive effect. He added that Americans are clearly still suffering from the job losses of the last two years, but that he is optimistic that the economy is poised to start adding the jobs people need. Recession weary Americans hope that he is correct. While using signature loans or any other form of credit may be a useful short-term fix to help applicants survive the job-hunt and emerge with new positions, credit cannot solve the longer-term issues associated with high unemployment rates.

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Tags: economy, finance, loans, personal loans, signature loans, small business loans


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