Approximately One in Three Americans Has Pre-diabetes, CDC Says

Health experts encourage lifestyle programs that stress dietary changes and moderate-intensity physical activity.

According to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2010, approximately one in three U.S. adults at least 20 years old (an estimated 79 million people) had pre-diabetes, a condition in which blood glucose or hemoglobin A1c levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. Additionally, 89 percent of this group (70.3 million people) are not aware they have the condition.

According to the report, each year 11 percent of people with pre-diabetes who do not take preventive action will progress to type 2 diabetes during the following three years. The CDC analyzed data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), an ongoing, stratified, multistage probability sample of the non-institutionalized U.S. civilian population that includes personal interviews, medical examinations, and laboratory measurements.

"People with pre-diabetes, including those with regular access to health care, need to be made aware that they are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes and that they can reduce that risk by making modest lifestyle changes," say boomer generation health experts Dian Griesel, Ph.D., and Tom Griesel, authors of the books TurboCharged: Accelerate Your Fat Burning Metabolism, Get Lean Fast and Leave Diet and Exercise Rules in the Dust (April 2011, BSH) and The TurboCharged Mind (January 2012, BSH).

"Lifestyle programs that encourage dietary changes, moderate-intensity physical activity, and modest fat loss can delay or prevent type 2 diabetes in persons with pre-diabetes," adds Dian. "Diabetes and pre-diabetes, and most other chronic diseases, are the result of an abnormal hormonal response to diet. It is important to choose foods that work with our bodies, not against them, and result in a favorable and healthy hormonal response."


About TurboCharged:

TurboCharged® is a groundbreaking 8-Step program that defies common weight-loss theories. It successfully delivers body-defining rapid fat loss, accelerates metabolism, and improves health and odds of longevity without gimmicks, supplements or special equipment. The TurboCharged Mind is an excellent companion book to the author's acclaimed rapid fat loss book, TurboCharged, or perfect as a standalone read. A series of supporting TurboCharged™ hypnosis downloads are available for sale via the book's website, which offers ideal guided meditations to support and direct self-hypnosis sessions for faster fat loss, greater health, reduced stress, and to quit smoking. For more information, log on to


Tags: CDC, Centers for Disease Control, Diabetes, diet, exercise, fat loss, fitness, Health, healthy, TurboCharged, weight loss

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