Apriori Featured in the Nilson Report

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​​Apriori, a small, start-up international data aggregator, has been featured in the October 2016 issue of The Nilson Report, the flagship newsletter of the payment systems industry that is solely subscription-based and accepts no ads or sponsored content.

“We at Apriori are honored and delighted to have been recognized by a publication as exclusive as The Nilson Report,” said Igor Kyrylenko, president of Apriori. “We are young, we are new, and we have ongoing, challenging tasks that we look forward to tackling.”

We at Apriori are honored and delighted to have been recognized by a publication as exclusive as The Nilson Report. We are young, we are new, and we have ongoing, challenging tasks that we look forward to tackling.

Igor Kyrylenko, President

Apriori, which was founded two years ago, finds, acquires, and processes government-issued ID data from emerging markets such as India, Russia, and Ukraine, handling nearly two billion records in more than 100 formats and dozens of languages every year. Apriori cleans, standardizes, enhances, and delivers this data in usable format to clients who use it to perform age and identity verification of their customers.

It is a daunting task made even harder by the fact that the raw data comes in multitude of languages and various character sets and formats. Often, there are multiple ways in which a character or a set of characters can be transliterated, which is why Apriori makes use of in-country experts who are well-versed in subtle nuances that can dramatically impact data matching.

One of Apriori’s specialties is acquiring and transliterating hard-to-get data that is only available in non-Roman character sets, such as Cyrillic or India’s Devanagari scripts. Among other data sets, the company maintains the most accurate, complete record of voters in India available today. All Indian citizens are required by law to register to vote at age 18.

Apriori obtains this voter information directly from the India Electoral Authority and combined with India Post information for maximum accuracy. Further, the data is aggregated and cross-checked over consecutive years, which allows for over one billion Indian citizens to be tracked through address changes, name changes, and other updates to voter information.

“Banks are eager to tap emerging markets due to their strong growth potential,” Kyrylenko noted. “India, in particular, is a bright spot because of its GDP growth. But before banks can start selling financial products in those markets, they need a reliable way to verify their customers’ identities. That’s where Apriori comes in. We empower our customers in the finance industry with the age and identity-verification tools they need to confidently penetrate the ‘unbanked’ population in developing economies.”


​Apriori, based in McLean, Virginia, is an international data aggregator with special expertise in finding, acquiring, and processing government issued ID data from many countries and in multiple languages and alphabets. Apriori acquires large data sets from verified, reliable sources and makes them suitable for use by government agencies and leading companies worldwide, using a combination of cutting-edge technology, time-proven existing techniques, and in-country experts to produce the most complete, accurate data sets on the market. For more information on Apriori, visit the company’s website at www.aprioridata.com.

Source: Apriori


Tags: apriori, id verification, india, the nilson report

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Apriori is an international data aggregator with special expertise in finding, acquiring, and processing government issued ID data from many countries and languages. We acquire ID and other large sets of data from verified and reliable sources.

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