AquaCity wants to save Christmas for BA's fearful millions
Online, December 16, 2009 ( - Aquacity, the world's greenest hotel, has pledged to step in and rescue some of the millions who face being people grounded by BA cabin crews' festive strike.
The spa hotel at the heart of one of Central Europe's smallest countries, is hoping the crisis will boost the nation's burgeoning tourist industry as families face being ripped off by unscrupulous tour operators. It was revealed yesterday that many have put up prices to traditional destinations by 300 per cent.
But tourism guru, AquaCity Owner and Chief Executive Mr Jan Telensky, said today: "It is a tragedy that so many people face having Christmas spoiled in a row over money. And so many places are cashing in on this crisis, it makes you feel ashamed.
"Slovakia is two hours away from most of Britain's major airports. And at this time of year the weather is perfect for Christmas with the snow-capped High Tatras Mountains, beautiful snow falls and our lovely quaint villages and towns."
Flights from London to New York for instance have soared. The cheapest for a return on December 27, was with American Airlines for £1,485. But the cost of getting to Slovakia's main tourist area, Poprad in the Spis Region, has remained the same.
Mr Telensky said: "My flight to Slovakia, with my family, takes place on 20 December and we are confidently packing. My son is excited at the thought of the snow at the base of the High Tatras but I think it is so sad that many children will not have their dream realised.
"Slovakia is one of those special destinations where children can learn on junior slopes whist an expert parents can ski on amazing downhill runs."
AquaCity, which is powered by a geo-thermal lake two miles underground, was given Royal approval last year when the Queen and Prince Phillip chose to visit. The Royals were so impressed by the £200m hotel that Prince Phillip, aged 87, jokingly asked if he could stay there when he retires.
The hotel has spas and saunas, all kinds of get-you-fit-rooms, an Olympic size swimming pool, a snow room and a health-giving cryogenics chamber.
Flights to the newly refurnished Poprad Tatry airport go from Manchester, London and Dublin with Danube wings.
Tags: AquaCity, BA, Jan Telensky, Poprad, Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth II, Slovakia