Aquarium lighting which lights to choose?

There are lot of bulbs and aquarium lights out there for your aquarium. Some Chinese made and some made in USA. Let's go through the pros and cons of each of these.

Light Fixtures
The most common type of lighting is fluorescent. These fixtures are more expensive as are the bulbs. They are long lasting and use less power. Power Compacts, VHO, metal halide lightings have fluorescent bulbs. bulbs and fixtures are all made in USA with 5 year warranty on the ballast.
• Standard lighting fixtures are available for 24'', 36'', 48'', 60'', 72'' and custom 96'' by
• VHO fixtures or very high output fluorescent lighting, designed for tall and long aquariums like you see in the local pet store. These bulbs require special expensive ballasts to work properly. However they are energy consumption bulbs and for an amateur power compact and T5 bulbs will do the job with similar cost and easy to maintain
• Power compact fluorescent lighting is becoming very popular with live plant and reef enthusiasts. The power compact bulbs provide slightly more than three times the light of a N.O. bulb of similar length. bulbs have proven by highly efficient and long lasting by its customers. There are square pin and Straight pin bulbs.
• T5 lightings are the new industry standard for saving electricity costs and long lasting efficienty. Buildyouraquarium have 54 T5 bulbs and other T5 fixtures in the size of 36'', 48'', 60'' and custom sizes on request.
Metal halide fixtures are for professional or high end customers who know the lighting system well and understand what they corals needs. The Metal halide lights use a lot of energy and product a lot of heat. They are very effective if installed correctly. has long lasting efficient metal halide bulbs that give high reflectivity to the corals and the entire aquarium.


Tags: 48'' 30'' 60''72'' 96'' aquarium, and Retrofit (Retro) kits, Aquarium Light T5 HO, Aquarium Lights, Aquarium Pumps, HQI (double ended) Metal Halide , Metal Halide in 175 250 400 watt, Metal Halide Retro fits, Metal Halide VHO, Moonlight LED, Pendant, Pond Pumps, Power Compacts, Refugium Sump 150 200 75 450 gal, T5 HO (High Output) in 24 39 54 , Ultraviolet (UV) Sterilizers

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