Arbitron Case Study Proves E-GuideTV's Effectiveness In Out-Of-Home Advertising In The Hospitality Industry

ARLINGTON, TX July 29, 2010-E-Guide Services, Inc. (EGS) announced results of an independent Arbiton Inc. study of its innovative E-GuideTV service, an in-room hotel television channel guide. Results prove the Out-of-Home advertising medium to be b

ARLINGTON, TX July 29, 2010-E-Guide Services, Inc. (EGS) announced results of an independent Arbiton Inc. study of its innovative E-GuideTV service, an in-room hotel television channel guide. Results prove the Out-of-Home advertising medium to be both a valuable and popular amenity to hotel guests and an outstandingly effective medium for advertisers.

"Hotels are joining airports and office buildings as prime media touch points for brands targeting upscale individuals," said Diane Williams, Senior Media Research Analyst for Arbitron Inc. "E-GuideTV proved to be an effective method for capturing travelers' attention as the viewership and advertising recall rates demonstrated."

The E-GuideTV channel is made available to hotel guests in their rooms and features at-a-glance TV programming information alongside relevant entertainment content and targeted advertising.

"The Arbitron Case Study validates E-GuideTV as a valuable resource for both in-room hotel guests and advertisers," said EGS President and CEO Christopher S. Stark, Sr. "E-GuideTV brings the traditional television viewing experience right into guests' home-away-from-home. We've known hotel guests have been excited about this new amenity, and the Arbitron Study further confirms that it's being well received and used. Content is king, and that's why E-GuideTV provides tremendous value to both consumers and advertisers."

In this viewership study, Arbitron reports 97% of viewers found E-GuideTV helpful. Seventy percent of hotel guests aged 18 or older tuned to E-GuideTV at least once in a 24-hour period. The average number of views per day was 3.5, and the average length of stay at the hotel was three days.
Other key findings indicated:

--E-GuideTV delivers a high concentration of wealthy, educated consumers. Twenty-one percent of U.S. adults have an annual household income of $100,000 or more and 26% have a four-year college degree or higher, but 30% of E-GuideTV viewers have an income in that range and 46% match that level of education.

--Advertising placed on E-GuideTV is in a particularly good position to speak to consumers when they are receptive to traveler-related messages. Over half of E-GuideTV viewers (51%) are planning their next trip during their current stay.

--E-GuideTV viewers spend money in the local economy. Nearly all (96%) E-GuideTV viewers eat in a restaurant during their trip. Over two-thirds (67%) engage in local activities including sightseeing, sports events and amusement parks. More than half (55%) go shopping during their hotel stay.

--One-in-two E-GuideTV viewers could recall an ad. More than half (51%) of all E-GuideTV viewers could successfully recall at least one of the four ads tested.

Furthermore, the study suggests advertisers can use E-GuideTV to drive consumers to their web sites for more in-depth messaging, as 43% of E-GuideTV viewers use a computer during their hotel stay.

Arbitron's media planning implications within the study suggest television commercials need to actively pursue their audience; place-based TV should be a part of any serious Out-of-Home campaign.

The study results also suggest advertisers looking to target travelers and affluent consumers should consider hotel-based television.

"This study proves that place-based advertising in hotel rooms is an extremely effective way for advertisers to reach a highly desirable demographic," said Ed Pearson, President of Vertical Media Holdings, which is contracted to sell advertising space on E-GuideTV. "E-GuideTV is at the forefront of this movement, which has a very promising future."
The Arbitron survey was conducted in April of 2010.

Lauren Kautsch
Marketing Manager
E-Guide Services, Inc.
[email protected]
2500 N.E. Green Oaks Blvd. Suite 205
Arlington, TX 76006
Phone: 817.524.6283



Tags: advertising, Arbitron, channel guide, E-Guide Services, E-GuideTV, EGS, Hospitality, out of home advertising, technology

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Lauren Kautsch
Press Contact, E-GuideTV
2500 N.E. Green Oaks Blvd.
Ste. 205