Archangel Raphael Is The Supreme Healer In The Angelic Realm. Raphael Means "God Heals;" Kelly Kolodney Sharing Raphael's Message For Us

It Boils Down To Love: The Arch Angel Raphael and Kelly Kolodney are on Dare To Dream Radio.

Kelly is a graduate of the University of Delaware with a Bachelor of Science degree in Visual Communications. It was in 1989, during her senior year in college, that she began channeling the Angel Raphael. Her work has been documented in the book The Healing Consciousness by Dr. Beth Dupree M.D. Kelly has been interviewed by radio hosts around the country; she has channeled for individuals and groups of people across the United States and around the world. is a venture that Kelly and her husband, Samuel Kolodney, started to increase the reach of the Angel Raphael's messages to a world-wide audience. The Angel Raphael has consistently said that as humanity gets clearer, the messages and vibrational healing will continue to get more profound until we are able to literally create miracles. It is the Kolodney's mission to do their part in raising the awareness of the availability of the sacred communications from the Archangel Raphael and to share the messages and miracles of love and healing that the Angel Raphael provides with all who are in alignment with co-creating heaven on earth.

Archangel Raphael is the supreme healer in the angelic realm and chief role is to support, heal, and guide in matters involving health. Raphael means "God heals" or "He who heals" in Hebrew. Many believe that it is derived from the Hebrew word Rophe, which means "medicine doctor." In Catholicism, he is Saint Raphael, the patron of healing, physicals, travelers, and matchmakers. Anytime you call upon Raphael, he's there. The healing archangel isn't shy or subtle in announcing his presence. He wants you to know that he's with you, as a way of comforting you and alleviating stress along your way to a healthy recovery. Archangel Raphael is the main archangel who oversees healing for living beings on Earth. He is a well know and incredibly powerful angelic being, who is ready, willing and waiting to connect with you directly if you so desire. Through the powerful divine guidance from Archangel Raphael, you can learn to activate and use your body's innate ability to heal itself.

As part of the divine manifestation of universal consciousness people are sacred. All communication with the Angel Raphael, as channeled through Kelly Kolodney, is a sacred experience. Its purpose is to awaken people to the vibration of love that resides within people and to enable individuals to amplify this vibration to help them connect with their divine light body. Through this connection people will remember their purpose for incarnating on earth. This connection will energize folk's capability to manifest the vibrant health, deep relationships and situations that will make their life one of heaven on earth.

Kelly Kolodney has been channeling the Angel Raphael since November 23, 1989. Since that time she has been sharing the messages from Archangel Raphael with the thousands of people who have opened their hearts to receiving the insights and vibrational healing power of this divine messenger of light. Her work conducting angel readings has been documented in the book "The Healing Consciousness" by Dr. Beth Dupree. The last 58 pages of this book are verbatim transcriptions of angel reading sessions Dr. Dupree conducted with Kelly channeling the angel of healing, Archangel Raphael. Many will attend a group angel reading session with Kelly and the Angel Raphael, or listen to recordings of the Angel Raphael's messages, people also experience the love, vibration and power of the Angel Raphael, as channeled by Kelly Kolodney, to open their heart and align their awareness with their part in the divine blueprint to co-create heaven on earth.

The Angel Raphael attunes each person's heart to recognize and feel the love that resides in every aspect of someone's life. The vibration an messages of The Angel Raphael helps transmute pain into joy and doubt into rightful action.

Raphael is here to open hearts, make people laugh, shed light on one's past, get people centered in the present, bring individuals into the flow, and help create the joy and abundance each deserves in their life. Kelly Kolodney has brought the beautiful vibration and message of the angel Raphael to thousands of people over the past thernty-three years. Through her unique gift of channeling, she has helped many people discover their life's purpose and address the challenges that hold them back from achieving it. This process has enabled many people to break free of their old patterns and to create the abundance and joy they deserve.

As the angel of healing, the Angel Raphael's message is that divine energy resides within each of us, we are all one and by healing ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually we bring healing to the planet. As each of us awakens our consciousness and raises our vibration, we quicken the awakening of the collective consciousness in others. Once we are all attuned to the common vibration of love flowing in, through and around us and everything in the universe, we will be able to shed the structures built around the consciousness of fear and live lives dedicated to manifesting Heaven on Earth.

Kelly has channeled the Angel Raphael for groups of people across the United States and around the world. Audio downloads of select group channelings are available on her website During a private channeling session Raphael, as channeled by Kelly, people examine their heart's desires and it provides explicit guidance, meditations, and activities to make the physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic shifts necessary to align with one's divine purpose with in-person sessions or available via Skype.

To learn more, listen to Debbi Dachinger as she interviews Kelly Kolodney and the Archangel Raphael on Dare to Dream radio, listen via podcast at: Debbi's Dare to Dream radio show is a syndicated, multi-award winning program, featured in news sources around the world. Dachinger is a bestselling author, keynote speaker and media personality. Dare to Dream radio airs live on the following stations: Indie 100, the Morning Inspiration show: Wed-Fri 9-11 AM PT, and SAT & SUN 11 AM - 1 PM PT, and syndicates on Media Critic ( in Detroit, MI, Air Check ( in Orlando, FLA, Butterflies Radio WWIR - World Wide Indie Radio ( in Hollywood, Florida, INDIE100 ( in Burbank, California, Triangle Variety Network (in North Carolina), Live Jamz Radio (in Missouri), BNNS Radio (in Illinois)


Tags: Arch Angel Raphael, Channeling, Dare to Dream Radio, Debbi dachinger, healing, interview, Kelly Koloney, love, miracles, pennsylvania, Sam, talk radio

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