Archer Energy Solutions Earns Supplier of the Year Award From APS

APS chose Archer as its Supplier of the Year in the performance category.
APS Supplier of the Year Award

Arizona Public Service started in the electricity business more than 130 years ago, just a few years after the gunfight at the OK Corral in Tombstone, Ariz. Now, it brings power to over 2.7 million people. This longest-serving electric company in Arizona has announced its Supplier of the Year Awards for 2016, honoring the business partners that help them succeed.

Out of the more than 4,500 suppliers, vendors and partners, APS chose Archer as its Supplier of the Year in the performance category. “Archer has been a partner for us in every sense of the word,” Lisa Carrington, critical infrastructure protection transition team manager at APS, said during the awards ceremony this week. “They had a team on site with me for two and a half years, helping us do something that was a monumental task for APS,” she added.

"Archer has been for us a partner in every sense of the word."

Lisa Carrington, APS Critical Infrastructure Protection Transition Team Manager

Archer helped APS implement the new NERC CIP cybersecurity regulation, Carrington noted, as well as prepare for an audit. "It was incredibly challenging,” she said. “Archer Energy Solutions was there with us every day, long days, providing their technical guidance, their expertise, their knowledge of industry and their knowledge of auditing. APS and Archer will continue to work together."

“It is an absolute pleasure working for APS,” said Archer Managing Partner Stacy Bresler. "We are passionate about our client’s successes, and always aim to ensure we are adding value where it is most needed. Security is paramount in critical infrastructures, and it isn’t easy to build a solid and sustainable program. We partner with our clients to build solutions that work within their organizational structures while helping them break the barriers that come with adopting new ways of doing things.”

Source: Archer Energy Solutions


Tags: CIP, cybersecurity, electric grid, NERC, power

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With decades of information Technology (IT) and Operation Technology (OT) experience, Archer has the knowledge and skills necessary to help your organization tackle the most difficult reliability and security projects.

Stacy Bresler
Managing Partner, Archer International
Archer International
12042 SE Sunnyside Road (Suite 292)
Clackamas, OR 97015
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