Are Families Prepared With Their BACKUP PLAN?
Online, March 29, 2011 (
"In light of Japan's devastating natural disaster, the average Canadian's preparedness could use some help," states William Wylie from the Intelligencer. The Red Cross urges Canadians to "be prepared for future emergencies."
How many families would feel confident that they know their spouse's passwords, any bills that need to be paid on a regular basis, or what various cards were in their wallet? How many of us could help a family member get back on their feet after a stroke just by looking after their every day "stuff" because they were prepared with all of their documentation and information in it? Such as, here is where they keep their keys, the pets can be looked after, these are the bills to pay, and here is their disability policy that can get started right away for them.
Canadian families need to start getting prepared at home, and asking themselves and even their aging parents what is their emergency plan? According to a TNS study conducted in 15 countries on November 12, 2009, around half of the people in Canada would expect to use their savings as their primary source of emergency funds. What would the other half of Canadians do?
Tina Olexa, author of her new book, Your Backup Plan, provides a tool for families to ensure that they are prepared in case of an emergency, disaster or even theft. A workbook that can assist families to get prepared with such things as emergency kits, locations of shut off valves and even medical history information. It allows families or in some cases, friends to know where the documents are for those just in case moments. And even perhaps their wishes when they never had the chance to tell you.
Tina Olexa, author and speaker, will be launching the release of her new book "Your Backup Plan", in Langley, BC on Thursday March 31st, at the Watershed Arts Cafe from 5:00 - 8:00 pm and then again in Surrey, BC on Thursday April 7th, at the Wired Monk Bistro Rodeo from 5:00 - 8:00 pm. Meet the author and take home a signed copy of her new book.
Your Backup Plan is being distributed online,, at seminars on "getting your Backup plans in place", or call for more details 778-867-3582. This Book Launch Celebration is a free event. Copies of Your Backup plan will be available for purchase for $36.95.
Tags: backup plan, Book Launch, estate planning, family, finances, insurance