Are Your Photos Good Enough to Scrapbook!?

Internationally known paper crafter offers advice to people who don't think their photos make the grade

Cambridge, ON- - If there's one thing most people hold dear to their hearts, it's their family photos.
During the summer months especially, most people tend to take quite a few pictures as they go on vacations and attend family functions or community events. With all of these opportunities, amateur photographers spend countless hours attempting to capture the spirit of these treasured moments.
Unfortunately, and often inaccurately, they often feel they've come up short. And, if they're thinking about scrapbooking those photos, that only adds to the pressure! In fact, many people who would like to try scrapbooking decide not to because they don't think their photos are good enough.
Like many others, Andrea Walford, a Cambridge, Ontario scrapbooking and paper crafting expert, was once a novice photographer. Now, Andrea works with others who not only want to improve their scrapbooking skills, but their photographic ones as well.
One of the first things Andrea tells her clients is how important it is to remember that there is no "perfect" picture. The "perfect" picture is the one YOU'RE happy with. In other words, ANY photo can be scrapbooked. It's entirely up to the scrap booker. People are too hard on themselves when it comes to creative endeavors. Often, it's the less staged, more spontaneous photos that find their way into most scrapbooks. Isn't that what most people try to capture in their photographs? The true spirit of the moment.
Anyone who would like to learn more about improving the quality of your photos, as well as how to build the perfect scrapbook page around ANY photo should feel free to contact Andrea at (519) 620-8810 or [email protected]; or, visit First Name's website,
Andrea is also available for media interviews on photography and scrapbooking. To schedule, an interview please use the contact information provided.
Liz Sanpietro
SIMB Public Relations
[email protected]


Tags: photography, scrapbook photos, scrapbooking

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