ArivisWebView Allows 3D Image Viewing of Gigabyte Images in Web Browsers

Arivis today announced beta version of WebView 3.0 with 3D rendering. First of its kind, WebView3D can visualize volumetric data.

Arivis ( ), the leading provider of software for the visualization and analysis of high-dimensional image data of almost unlimited size, today announced beta version of WebView 3.0 with 3D rendering.

WebView3D ( ) is a new SaaS-based tool that allows users to view, manipulate, annotate and collaborate on multi-gigapixel images and render 3D image stacks using popular and common Internet browsers. WebView 3D is part of ArivisWebView, a modular framework for image visualization and annotation on the Internet.

In short, WebView3D visualizes volumetric data. For example, in a life sciences or medical application WebView3D could be used to show large computer tomography scans over the web.

"The idea behind WebView3D is to allow for the easy sharing and manipulation of volumetric data and large 3D images such as those generated by microscopical or X-ray computed tomography, or industrial CT scanning, for example," says Arivis founder Christian Götze. "Size is never an issue. Our products incorporate, combine, manage, visualize, and analyze image data, independent from its origin, dimensionality and dimension."

WebView3D ( ) takes advantage of the platform-independent WebGL interface based on OpenGL standards and freely available on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and the open source Opera browser. WebView3D support for Microsoft Explorer is forthcoming. (No plug-ins necessary.)

The ArivisWebView framework ( ) also provides a layer of collaboration tools such as marking annotations directly on regions of interest, editorial tracking by author, time and date stamping, and archiving. For example, Boston doctors can share virtual pathological slides from a cancer patient and get a second opinion by specialists from Berlin without having to download or upload the massive file locally.

Although WebView3D can be used for sharing and viewing 3D images in life sciences, neuroscience, and biotechnology, its applications are not limited strictly to applied sciences.

Using the new WebGL technology, WebView3D can render interactive 3D data quickly and at high resolution quality in standard web browsers. Being a standard compliant solution, the 3D technology can be implemented in any web application and interact with existing systems or used in third-party applications.

WebView3D will be available as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, or sold as server software. The beta version can be demoed by visiting:

About Arivis:
With offices in Berlin, Germany and Seattle, Arivis products incorporate, combine, manage, visualize, and analyze image data, independent from its origin, dimensionality and dimension. Its software solutions are designed to give users fast and easy access on any pixel images from scientific sources as microscopes and computer tomographs (CT). The company provides modular software systems for scientific image processing and image analysis, finding solutions for a cost-effective and time-efficient processing of nearly indefinitely large, complex image data and in cases where conventional software fails because of excessively large image data. For further information, please visit

Press & Media Contact:
Victor Cruz, Principal Inc
Kröpeliner Straße 54
18055 Rostock - Germany
+1 978-594-4134
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Tags: conventional software, image data, image processing, scientific sources, visualization, visualize, webview3d

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