Arizona Business Coach Launches New Ebook for Writers

Entrepreneur Kathi Calahan announces the release of her latest publication, How to Write an Ebook Using Free Software, which is designed to help fledgling writers discover the best digital book publishing methods to write and produce their material â

With a six year history of helping entrepreneurs begin any business from home, Calahan has added another product line to her three businesses and now shows those with a story how to write an Ebook (or electronic book) on any subject and prepare it for immediate sale and download. She credits her inability to find simple step-by-step Ebook instructions for her decision to teach others how to do this through her latest publication, How to Write an Ebook Using Free Software. "It was born as a result of months of frustration and an inability to make sense of other companies 'easy to follow' instructions," Calahan admits. "I knew if I was having trouble making writing and publishing easy, others must be having the same problem too. So, I wrote the book."

She wonders out loud, "How many people out there have books just waiting to be published, but don't know how and so the book remains locked in their mind." "Beginners need simple instructions," encourages Calahan, "and I would love to see those with a dream of writing a how-to book, an autobiography or short stories make that dream come true."

When asked why she writes how-to Ebooks, her answer is simple and quick, "Ever since I was a little girl I always asked why, or how? It used to drive my mother crazy. I'm an information junkie and I love learning. God gave me the desire to teach and I've found that my niche is to help entrepreneurs who are just like me."

Ebooks, which originated in the early 1970's when there were fewer than 100 internet users, offer viable solutions today for those writers who have had difficulty finding success in the traditional publishing industry, but especially for those who just don't know where to start.

Calahan smiles, "It's easier than you think. An Ebook is written in a standard word processing format and saved in to a free PDF format that is easy to open on any computer. My Ebook shows you how. The massive buzz on the yet to be released Apple baby, Ipad, states that it will likely be able to read PDF Ebooks, such as mine, How to Write an Ebook Using Free Software. Buyers of Ebooks can also read them on their computer, cell phones or print them out and read them the old fashioned way. Although there are PDF readers available, such as Amazon's Kindle, they can be a bit pricey for some and are not an immediate must-have in order to enter the Ebook world."

Calahan describes her target audience for How to Write an Ebook Using Free Software, as:
• Those with a business who want to make additional money by offering a new product that's relevant to their business.
• Those who are retired but have a lot of wisdom to share.
• Those who know how to do something specific, such as gardening, living green, or tracking the family history, and want to share that expertise with others.
• Men, women, teens.
• Recent school graduates.
• Those who prefer to work from home.
• Those on a limited start up budget to start a home based business.

Her chapters include how to information on finding a target audience, how to name your Ebook so it will sell, step by step instructions for designing each of your chapters, how to upload your Ebook so that it is available only to those who have paid for it, how buyers can pay for your Ebook even while you're sleeping and some of the best resources in the world for your Ebooks.

As a helpful incentive to her budget-minded Ebook buyers, Calahan is offering a special April Book Launch price of $10 for How to Write an Ebook Using Free Software until May 1st. The book can be bought and immediately downloaded from her website at

Known as the How-to Queen, Kathi Calahan is an Arizona entrepreneur who runs three businesses from home. Her first (and the umbrella for her other two businesses) is, which originated in 2004 to help entrepreneurs start ANY business from home - from start up to marketing. Her second business was designed to help troubled couples find solutions to their relationship problems using the intuitive processes. Her third business was built to help do-it-yourselfers write Ebooks or learn any subject in which they have a curiosity.


Tags: business ebook, ebook, ebook Download, ebook library, ebooks, ebooks download, freelance writer, pdf ebook, pdf ebooks, technical writer, the writer, writer, writer freelance, writers

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