Arizona River Runners: Good for What Ails You

Are there benefits to being out of doors? Enjoying nature? Relaxation and stress relief, decreased mental fatigue, increased mental clarity and energy are a few positive results of what nature can offer us.

Mama always pushed us out the door in all kinds of weather to go out and play and get some fresh air, declaring it would do us a world of good. Now there is evidence about how much getting out in nature truly helps us by increased mental health and psychological development in a variety of areas. Relaxation and stress relief, decreased mental fatigue, increased mental clarity and energy are a few positive results of what nature can offer us. Arizona River Runners Grand Canyon raft trips are for everyone, young and old alike. Whitewater rafting through the Grand Canyon will reduce stress, increase physical activity, and at the end of the day, give you a peaceful night's rest.

The World Health Organization defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not just the absence of disease". More than 100 research studies have shown that outdoor recreation reduces stress. John Burroughs, naturalist and writer (1837-1921) said "I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and have my senses put in order." This intangible connection with nature and our inner self does something to our minds and bodies that creates a balance and centering so crucial in our lives. Richard Louv, author of national bestselling book Last Child in the Woods (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2005) coined the phrase "nature deficit disorder" implying that we desperately need to re-capture a consistent connection spending time out of doors and in nature. On a Colorado River trip, being out of doors and in nature is what it is all about. In a place like the Grand Canyon, on the river, you feel renewed; you see things from different and sometimes other people's perspectives. It is amazing what a Grand Canyon rafting trip will do for you, and to you.

Researcher from U of Illinois, Dr. Andrea Faber Taylor explained that we have two forms of attention; direct attention that is used for work and study, and involuntary attention that is an auto response to things such as running water and babies crying. Direct attention runs out, in our busy lives, causing us mental fatigue. Spending time in nature uses more of our involuntary attention and response to the environment around us, allowing our direct attention a much-needed rest.

A ten year research program studying the impact of wilderness experiences found that those who participate in outdoor/wilderness adventures experience long term effects as seeing their lives as less cluttered and more focused on what they consider valuable. (Janet Talbot, Stephen Kaplan: Psychological Laboratories, University of Michigan).

Whitewater rafting trips that Arizona River Runners offers in the Grand Canyon provide just what the doctors are ordering. Many physicians are writing "park prescriptions" to their patients as the health benefits of being outdoors and in nature are wide and varied, which may counteract diseases related to our lack of time spent in the natural environment. These illnesses include Type II Diabetes, Hypertension, heart disease, Vitamin D deficiency, stress, and depression; according to a recent New York Times article. Arizona River Runners Grand Canyon rafting trips is a prescription everyone should fill.

A wide variety of professionals from organizations such as the National Wildlife Federation, to psychologists, physicians, and educators recognize the substantial benefits of spending time in nature. Physicians are beginning to identify parks and recreation areas as a health service. Rick Potts, the National Park Service's chief of Conservation and Outdoor Programs says "Science is validating what moms have known for generations: being outside is good for your health." He sees the role of national parks in the 21st century as "becoming critical to our well-being as a society."

Whether you are planning a vacation in nature as a preventative or as a remedy to health concerns, a family rafting trip in the Grand Canyon is a terrific prescriptive that is no bitter pill to swallow.


Tags: Arizona River Runners, Colorado River Trip, Family Rafting Trip, Grand Canyon Raft Trip, Grand Canyon Rafting Trip, Whitewater Rafting through the G, Whitewater Trips

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Press Contact, Arizona River Runners