Arms Open: Biblically Based Bridges of Relationship Gaps - in Christian & Secular Life Situations.
RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, November 12, 2015 ( - "Arms Open" is a book dedicated to helping all of us to come to a deeper, personal understanding of what genuine "intimacy" can bring to our lives, in a society sadly saturated with self-centered, superficial sensuality. The book offers seven simple, sequential, spirit-filled steps to truly find, receive, generate & share authentically meaningful & purpose-filled "Christ-like" LOVE in our lives.
Author Rodney Alexander Jr. reminds us that when our precious LORD and Savior; Jesus Christ died on the cross over 2,000 years ago, he literally spread his "arms open" as a personally intimate invitation for ALL of us to come experience the everlasting love of God through our "dedicated disciple" faith in Him. Thus Rodney was lead to write the book in such a way that it would be compellingly meaningful to both Christians seeking to deepen their relationships with GOD and loved-ones, as well as Non-Christians who recognize that there must be something more to life and are truly searching for such meaning and purpose.
Therefore, while the book is Scripturally Sound and Biblically Based, it additionally includes supportive evidence from renowned and respected academics, doctors and experts in specialist fields from Psychology to Sociology, as well as a lot of personal life testimonies. "Most Christians agree that true love is found in God" explains Alexander, "yet often we don't live a life that reflects that true love found in God. So I felt strongly called to share how I had lived a committed Christian life for several years, before I was smacked with the reality that I was not fully embracing ALL the love of God that Jesus had died for me to receive!"
This book isn't judgmental or intended to make anyone feel bad about past choices, but rather, it's about the ultimate, eternal freedom found in rekindling, or possibly discovering for the very first time, the LIFE saving, changing & infinite blessing power of GOD's love for all of us - and how that love can be reflected back and freely shared with others in a way that brings purpose, meaning and joy to all concerned. # # #
Contact: Rodney Alexander Jr.
Phone #: 704-785-4098
Tags: arms open, Christian book, Christian ebook, Christian living, God, intimacy, Jesus, love