Artist Colleen Doran Chat on
Online, March 10, 2010 ( - Artist Colleen Doran Chat on
Author and acclaimed artist Colleen Doran on Radio Show Sunday March 14th at 2PM ET
Colleen's published works number in the hundreds with clients such as The Walt Disney Company, Marvel Entertainment, DC Comics, Image Comics, Lucasfilm, Dark Horse Comics, Harper Collins, Houghton Mifflin, Sony, and Scholastic.
Her credits include Amazing Spiderman, Sandman, Captain America, Wonder Woman, The Legion of Superheroes, The Teen Titans, Walt Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Anne Rice's The Master of Rampling Gate, Clive Barker's Hellraiser, Clive Barker's Nightbreed, A Distant Soil, The Silver Surfer, Lucifer, and many others. (Visit
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About Colleen Doran
A cartoonist, illustrator and film conceptual artist, she has illustrated the works of Neil Gaiman, Clive Barker, Warren Ellis, Anne Rice and J Michael Straczynski.
Her latest work is for DC Comic's Vertigo division, with Derek McCulloch, a collaboration the original graphic novel Gone to Amerikay. She is also illustrating Stealth Tribes for Vertigo. Written by best-selling author Warren Ellis, known for his breakthrough works Transmetropolitan and Global Frequency, Stealth Tribes is a cutting edge, cyberpunk, science fiction tale. Colleen Doran and Barry Lyga are teamed to produce another original work to be announced from Houghton Mifflin in 2011.
A Distant Soil, Colleen's epic science fiction/fantasy tale from Image Comics, is a complex space opera, among the first of its kind in the USA, and is ongoing as a webcomic and graphic novel series.
Colleen was one of the first American artists to discover the lure of Japanese comics, and later went on to work for various Japanese publishers as a consultant, teaching the American market to manga industry executives.
She won a grant from the Delphi Institute to study American popular culture, and was chosen to represent the United States at the Japan/America manga/comics seminar in Tokyo, Japan along with Eisner award-winning cartoonist Jeff Smith, Pulitzer Prize and Oscar award-winning creator Jules Ffeiffer, Denys Cowan, and Nicole Hollander. She also lectured at the Singapore Writers Festival in 2005, and was Artist in Residence at the Smithsonian. She has exhibited her work at shows and galleries in Milan, Vienna, New York, San Francisco, and Tokyo.
Well known in Lord of the Rings fandom, she is often a guest at shows and exhibits. She appears in the film Ringers, a documentary about the Lord of the Rings fan phenomenon, and has done officially licensed illustrations, as well as for Mallorn, the literary journal of the Tolkien Society and The Silver Leaves Journal.
Colleen has also been profiled in the films Sex, Lies and Superheroes by Constantine Valhouli, and Mainstream Raw: Scenes From the Small Press by Rich Henn. Henn followed up with a solo film of Colleen and her work called Scenes From The Small Press: Colleen Doran. She also appeared in The Cartoonist, a documentary about Bone creator Jeff Smith, which has aired on PBS.
As a core member of the comic book industry's self publishing movement, she and other creators changed the face of the industry by bypassing the publishing and distribution system to create and publish their works in new ways. She was profiled in the book Comic Book Rebels.
Colleen lives quietly on a family farm in rural Appalachia. She works on her art every single day, and enjoys gardening and hiking.
About " on BlogTalkRadio"
" on BlogTalkRadio" is an interactive, live Internet talk-radio show that focuses on the Sci-Fi and Fantasy genre in all mediums. Host Michael Regina explores the Books, Films, Television Shows and Video Games showcasing this exciting and ever growing genre. Callers are encouraged to call (646) 721-9952 to listen or ask questions. The stream and archives are available at The show is live every other Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. Eastern. The show is hosted on BlogTalkRadio.
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Tags: acclaimed artist, author, Colleen Doran, Radio Show