Artist Marcos Antonio As Presenter Art Speaker

SNAPSHOT BIO Marcos Antonio has exhibited his art work on three continents and has spoken about Latin American art at museums and galleries. From 1999 to 2002, Marcos became the director of the Providence Festival of New Latin American Cinema. He i

Artist Marcos Antonio Public Speaking Services On Art
As the pace of the Artworld flourishes and the need for new ideas, so has the demand for outside expertise. Event producers and educational instituitions clients need efficient ways to find the newest, best, relevant ideas and perspectives.

Artist Marcos Antonio creates new ways to engage with audiences and art innovators, his unique public speaking offerings extend well beyond those of traditional agencies and speaker bureaus. Furthermore, Marcos Antonio is an established International Artist and Public speaker, He has global reach and a wide network of knowledge, ideas, and expertise about the future of art


Tags: art painting, filmsriptwriting, museums, travel

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PO Box 3062
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