As Acupuncture Becomes More Mainstream, FEBC Offers Alternative Medicine Benefit to Discount Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture has moved from the margins into the mainstream. This practice that is a key part of traditional Chinese medicine, once on the fringes, is now performed by thousands of practitioners nationwide and has been utilized by millions of Americans. Financial Education Benefits Center (FEBC), a membership benefits company, offers discounts on alternative medicine practices, including acupuncture.

“So many people turn to acupuncture as a way to relieve pain or deal with a persistent issue that other treatment methods may not be helping,” said Jennifer Martinez, manager at FEBC. “While it is still largely outside of mainstream medicine, it is definitely a popular choice."

So many people turn to acupuncture as a way to relieve pain or deal with a persistent issue that other treatment methods may not be helping.

Jennifer Martinez, Manager at FEBC

There are thousands of licensed practitioners of acupuncture throughout the United States, though California and New York have a disproportionate share of them. And despite still being an alternative medicine, some mainstream medical establishments and doctors are allowing acupuncture to be performed within their facilities. Some medical doctors are even performing the acupuncture themselves.

FEBC members who have access to the alternative medicine benefit are able to search for acupuncture practitioners in their area with an online search tool or by calling a number. Availability of participating practitioners depends on geographic location. FEBC members who use this benefit are able to receive a discount when paying for their acupuncture session at their appointment.

While only certain FEBC members can access the alternative medicine benefit, FEBC members of various plan levels all have access to a health and wellness benefits package with several benefits designed to promote good health.

“As acupuncture breaks further and further into the mainstream of wellness, we want to be out ahead of that,” said Martinez. “Our discounts are made to encourage people to take the steps they need to be well.”

About Financial Education Benefits Center

Financial Education Benefits Center is located in San Ramon, California. The membership company has already helped thousands save money and obtain the necessary education required to live a financially healthy life.

Financial Education Benefits Center has partnered with several name brand third-party companies to expand the financial and educational products and services available to its members and to provide a variety of wellness services as well.


To learn more about Financial Education Benefits Center, please contact:

Financial Education Benefits Center
2010 Crow Canyon Place Ste. 100
​San Ramon, CA 94583
[email protected]

Source: Financial Education Benefits Center


Tags: acupuncture, alternative medicine, health and wellness, membership benefits

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The Financial Education Benefits Center is located in San Ramon, California. The Company has already helped thousands of people save money and obtain the necessary education required to live a financially free life.

The Financial Education Benefits Center
2010 Crow Canyon Place Ste. 100 (100)
San Ramon, CA 94583
United States