Asidua Appointed Ambassador For Northern Ireland Digital Technology Sector
Online, July 19, 2011 ( - Leading local employer Asidua, today further enhanced their commitment to developing Northern Ireland's future workforce with their appointment as an ambassador for the Northern Ireland Digital Technology sector by School Employer Connections.
Set up by business leaders in 2001, School Employer Connections aims to establish meaningful connections between schools and employers, so that employers can play a part in preparing students for the world of work. In recognition of work carried out to promote the links between education and the local economy, School Employer Connections have appointed Aisdua as an ambassador for the Northern Ireland Digital Technology sector.
Following recent successes, including the University of Ulster Placement Employer of the Year and NCWE (National Council for Work Experience) Awards, Asidua will be seeking to use their new ambassadors status to help address the alarming issues that were identified in a current report by DEL (Department for Employment and Learning) & DETI (Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment).
In the report a number of sectors across Northern Ireland (Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Digital Technology, Financial Services, Hospitality and Tourism) were pinpointed as having workforce gaps, gaps which could reach crisis levels in the next few years.
It is a crisis that Director of School Employer Connections, Máire Gallagher, is keen to avoid: "In response to economic data and government priorities, we have sharpened our focus very significantly to the five priority sectors and have identified 50 "flagship" businesses from those sectors, most of whom have been demonstrating their commitment to our cause for many years."
Since forming in 2002, Asidua has played a key role in both attracting and developing fresh talent into Northern Ireland's IT sector. Through the introduction of programmes, including their now industry recognised placement and scholarship schemes, the IT integration and telecom specialists have been able to forge strong links with local universities and schools.
"As a global IT services company, we are reliant on the education, skills and enthusiasm of our people. Since forming, we have invested in many programmes and initiatives to help highlight the exciting and rewarding IT career path that is available to our local students," said Asidua Chief Operations Officer, Angela Canavan.
As an ambassador for the School Employer Connections, Asidua will be hoping to further promote careers in the Digital Technology sector. "By influencing the career choices of students it is possible to increase the quality of future employees and develop new recruitment channels," continued Angela. "Existing employees also benefit as participation can help develop their management and coaching skills."
Angela went on to highlight the importance of School Employer Connections: "Participation in student placements results in a range of tangible business benefits for Asidua such as raised profile, increased innovation, and the real outcomes from projects that students work on. Working with School Employer Connections enhances the experience due to their focus on, and knowledge of the priority sectors, their professionalism, and the relationships they have formed with schools."
BBC Radio Ulster Interview
A recent interview with Máire Gallagher, Director of School Employer Connections and Angela Canavan, Chief Operations Officer of Asidua, on BBC Radio Ulster can be found here. During the interview Máire and Angela highlight the importance of the School Employer Connections new ambassadors initiative.
About School Employer Connections
Previously known as FOSEC (Foyle School and Employer Connections), School Employer Connections was set up by business leaders in 2001 with the aim of establishing meaningful connections between schools and employers, so that employers can play a part in preparing students for the world of work. Today, celebrating ten years in operation, the social enterprise is Northern Ireland's leading workforce development organisation, with over 5,000 students taking part in their programmes every year, connecting with their network of 500 employers. To find out more about School Employer Connections, visit
Tags: angela canavan, asidua, belfast, digitial technology, máire gallagher, Northern Ireland, school employer connections