AskForensics CEO to Speak at DemandCon

Rick Reynolds, CEO of AskForensics, has been invited to speak at DemandCon, held in Boston, Massachusetts, September 30 - October 1, 2013.

Rick Reynolds, CEO of AskForensics, a sales consulting firm that uses a forensic science approach to sales, will be speaking at DemandCon, held in Boston, Massachusetts, September 30 through October 1, 2013. DemandCon events are designed to help business-to-business (B2B) sales and marketing professionals drive revenue rapidly. DemandCon's content is presented by the world's foremost thought leaders and covers information on the latest research, strategies and tactical best practices in B2B sales and marketing today. The conference includes keynotes, 45-minute presentations, 90 - 120-minute mini, hands-on workshops, as well as optional full-day intensive workshops.

Reynolds will be presenting a session titled, "How to Turn Sales Losses Into Wins." The presentation will share sales strategies for improving future sales by examining past sales using principles from the field of forensic science. While forensic science is usually reserved for crime scene investigations, it can also be used to investigate past wins and losses. The presentation will cover what mistakes sales professionals often make, as well as provide insight into using forensic science to uncover a company's sales strengths and weaknesses. The presentation will also feature data from the AskForensics Knowledgebaseâ„¢, which includes sales and account retention data from more than $10.6 billion dollars worth of contracts and proposals, over $3.3 billion of which profiles at-risk accounts.

Reynolds is a co-founding partner and CEO of AskForensics, which assists Fortune-ranked companies in winning and retaining multi-million dollar accounts. Reynolds is an expert in business forensics, having led hundreds of investigations over a 24-year period to help clients identify company strengths and weaknesses as it relates to sales growth and account retention.

For more information about DemandCon or to register visit, For more information about AskForensics, visit

About AskForensics
AskForensics assists Fortune-ranked companies in winning and retaining multi-million dollar accounts. Using a forensic science approach to sales, AskForensics has been delivering objective insight into what's really happening behind the scenes with prospects and customers for more than 24 years. AskForensics has evaluated more than $10.6 billion worth of prospect and client accounts for world-class Fortune-ranked companies, identifying more than $3.3 billion of vulnerable accounts and generating millions of dollars in ROI for its clients. Clients include FedEx, ARAMARK, Equifax, Marriott, and Coca-Cola. Follow @AskForensics on Twitter. For more information, visit


Tags: account forensics, account retention, AccountForensics, AskForensics, Rick Reynolds, sales, Sales Forensics, sales growth, SalesForensics, selling

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