Aspiranet Introduces Contra Costa REACH Program During National Adoption Awareness Month

Adoptive families discover success with support services that last far beyond the day adoption papers are signed.

National Adoption Awareness Month and Aspiranet, one of California's largest and most innovative social services agencies, is hoping to raise awareness of new post-adoption resources and support available to families through the new Contra Costa County REACH program.

The innovative REACH program, whose acronym stands for resource, education, advocacy, support and crisis counseling and hope, is designed to strengthen and empower adoptive families, provide adoption information, education and support and help parents access a myriad of adoption resources. The Aspiranet program, which is also offered in Tulare and Madera/Kings counties, officially kicked-off in Contra Costa County last July.

"There is a growing awareness that post-adoption support is a critical component to the success of adoptive families," said Nancy Born, Aspiranet's Adoption Director. "Families formed through adoption encounter unique challenges and our REACH program is specifically designed to connect families and children with the services and resources they need to grow and thrive."

Recognizing that adoption is much more than a one-time event, Aspiranet assists adoptive families before, during and after the adoption process. REACH services are available at no cost to Contra Costa County families who have adopted, or are in the process of adopting, through foster care, private and international agencies.

"During November, National Adoption Awareness Month, we hope to bring greater awareness to the growing need for more adoptive families," Born said. "Every child deserves a loving, secure and permanent family. The need is particularly great for older children, teenagers, youths with special needs and sibling sets."

Now in its 11th year, National Adoption Day, which happens each year during National Adoption Month, has resulted in finalized adoptions for more than 30,000 children in the United States and this year, the National Adoption Day Coalition expects 4,500 foster care children to be adopted.

To learn more about the Aspiranet Contra Costa Reach Program, visit:

To find out more about adopting a child, please call Aspiranet at: (877) 380-HERO or visit the website at:

About Aspiranet
Aspiranet, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charity, supports foster children, siblings, families, and the community with 35 core programs offering specialized services through 45 satellite centers within California.

Founded more than 30 years ago as a six-bed group home for young boys in Moss Beach, CA, Aspiranet is one of the most diverse private social service agencies in California. With a statewide network of innovative services, Aspiranet has transformed the lives of over 10,000 families and children since its founding.

Aspiranet's vision of bringing families together and helping foster children, siblings, and parents thrive is realized through more than 35 core programs and services in six areas of expertise - Family Services, Foster Care, Adoption, Education, After-school programs, and Community Partnerships.


Tags: family, foster care, support

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