Aspiring Dancehall Artists and Rappers Wanted for Open Auditions

Rappers Wanted. We need aspiring rappers and Dancehall artists. Announcing open internet auditions for our first compilation CD. Visit for more info. Kamir Chi Studios - Where Rappers Get Their Start

Kamir Chi Studios, LLC, a new international independent recording company, today announced open internet auditions for its first compilation, Ignite! Vol. I. The CD and digital download compilation will feature five artists selected from an open audition period beginning September 1, 2010, and ending October 31, 2010. The finalists will choose tracks which best showcase his/her style, from over 100 tracks the company has produced in-house. The artists will work with the production staff on
arrangements and instrumentation, and prepare vocals. Kamir Chi Studios will pay all expenses for the project; recording, mastering, manufacturing, packaging, and distribution. However; the artist pays for studio time in their local area to record their vocal tracks.

Company President Kamir Chi stated, "This is a whole new way to get noticed by everyone in the music industry who still matter. Being part of this compilation, featuring talented artists from all over the globe, lends instant credibility to an artist's own work." On its web site, the company pledges to give out 20%
of inventory to recording industry executives, radio stations, hip hop sites, and established artists with a reputation for helping talented newcomers. "Our open auditions are held over the internet, so virtually anyone with computer access can participate.", said Chi. "We are looking for the freshest, most original vocalists and rappers we can find who use West Coast Hip Hop and Jamaican Dancehall as their jumping off points. In short; we are looking for the next big thing."

Ignite! Vol. I will be available thru CDBaby and internet retail outlets, and for sale by the artists in their own local markets. In addition, the compilation will be available for digital download on CDBaby, iTunes, and other internet sites.

Telephone: 703-677-5300
Kamir Chi - Company President - AVAILABLE FOR ALL INTERVIEWS
Email Contact: [email protected]


Tags: dancehall, Hip Hop, hip hop music, Jamaican dancehall, rap, rap music, rapper

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Kamir Chi
Press Contact, Kamir Chi Studios LLC
Kamir Chi Studios LLC
7322 Poplar Court
Falls Church, VA 22042