Assignment Help Expert: online Home work help solution, Help with case study based assignments

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Assignment Help Expert: online Home work help solution, Help with case study based assignments

This article from the team of 'Assignment Help Experts' is to help and guide students how to approach assignments where an analysis of case study is required. Case study analysis are the type of assignments that are part of almost every bachelor and master level course especially in business and legal education (Yin, 2009).

Case studies usually provide description of a past event or set of actions that were taken to respond to a particular event. To analyse and do case study related assignments, it is very important that case study should be at least twice and all important points should be highlighted as you read the given case study. It is important to understand with case study related assignments that there is no right or wrong answers. Basically what is judged with case study assignments how critically you can analyse the given situation and think about the issues in hand. While doing case analysis, strong arguments should be developed and given for support your analysis rather than just rewriting what is given in the case study assignment. This will really help students to get maximum results from their case study analysis.
Below are the steps that should be followed for working on case study assignments:

a) Analyse the case thoroughly: Read the given case to make yourself familiar with the given case study, understand about the situation given and problems highlighted. Try to go for an in-depth analysis by asking questions what core concepts these problems are related with, what is the reason behind the issues/problems discussed, what theoretical principals can be related with issues that have been discussed. Identify what you have learnt during the course that can help you address these issues. Also think about the solutions and alternatives of the actions taken in the given case as you analyse the given case study.
You can also use mind-map diagrams, fish-bone or other cause-effect diagrams to help you with case study assignments.

b) Write the case study analysis:
Usually the case study analysis is written in report format starting with Introduction and background of the case. Students shall always ask for help from their tutors regarding how to structure their case study assignments write up. Since case study analysis is usually written in report format, students should provide clear headings for different sections of the report.

Introduction of your write up should identify the main issues and problems discussed in the case. Write about your thesis and main stand that you are going to take. Introduction should identify the central problem and issue that you are going to discuss.

Background section of your write up shall provide in very summarise form background of the case. This should also put the centralised problem in context and make reader understand about the situation.

Alternative Solutions section of your report shall identify what are the possible solutions of the issues that are available of the given case. Also discuss which one and why you have selected and what the reasons you have rejected other ones.
Proposed Solution section of your report provides evidence and analysis why you have selected this proposed solution. A good justification should be given why you are proposing this solution to your case study.

Recommendation section of your report would provide details how proposed solution can be implemented and executed successfully. A good plan of execution shall be provided.
So, as discussed above, usually case study assignment reports have format of introduction, background, alternative solutions, proposed solution and recommendations. As with any other assignment, please do proof read your work at least 2-3 times and make further improvements.

We hope this article would help you master various case study assignments and get straight As or Bs in your class. If you have any query or doubt or need help with any case study assignment, please do visit us on or send us a mail on [email protected]


Tags: assignment help, Assignment Help Expert, assignment help services, Assignment Help Solutions, Assignment Help Tools, Assignment Homework help, Assignment Solutions Samples, Homework Help

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