Aston Graduates Business Start-up Success

Three Aston Graduates launch their innovative software company LearnAware and flagship product SchoolEvents Pro after a successful trial period. Schools can accept bookings for events online and parents can book anytime, day or night.

Graduates Kyle Johnson, Mohammad El-Hilu, and Tom Stuart celebrated the launch of their software company 'LearnAware', who develop management solutions for educational institutions across the UK.

Their flagship product 'SchoolEvents Pro' is a cloud based events system that allows schools to organise and manage events such as parent's evenings and trips online, parents can access the system and book onto events. The product is aimed at colleges and both primary, secondary schools. The management of events should aim to reduce the time where parents/carers can book within minutes rather than hours or days.

Tom explained that the concept initially came to light whilst reviewing existing systems, he found that regardless of his software development background products were still difficult and sometimes tedious to use. Upon discussing the concept with fellow University students Kyle and Mohammad, they felt they could create a better system. The vision was to allow the creation and publishing of events to parents/carers within minutes rather than hours or even days, this resulting in SchoolEvents Pro.

The group initially trialled SchoolEvents Pro within 4 schools in Northamptonshire, expanding to additional schools when they showcased the system at a local schools meeting attended based on recommendation. Expanding on this success they exhibited at the Education Show at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in March 2013.

SchoolEvents Pro received excellent feedback from both Schools and Parents, reducing overall cost of an event and improving communication when holding events. The company are launching SchoolEvents Pro throughout the UK, starting a reseller scheme and a recommendation program.

SchoolEvents Pro Key Features:
-Reduces printing costs and time spent overseeing an event.
-Allows parents to register themselves, reducing admin time.
-Provides an efficient method of communicating with attendees of an event.
-Allows access to real-time information of event bookings.
-Ensures that events are not oversubscribed.
-Supported by mobile phones, tablets and desktop computers.

For more information, press only: Mohammad El-Hilu,, 0843 289 8206

For more information on SchoolEvents Pro:


Tags: event management, Online Booking, parental appointments, school events

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Tom Stuart
Press Contact, LearnAware