Astrology Predictions for 2010

With two solar eclipses, two lunar eclipses, mercury turning retrograde on three occasions, two rare cardinal crosses and several T crosses, 2010 promises to be a busy year. But what does it mean for the world we live in? We take a look.

Few will have failed to notice that the world economy is currently undergoing a huge transformation and that change will continue in 2010, claiming more casualties, but eventually paving the way for something better. The fear and uncertainty that has dominated 2009 will be slowly replaced by a determined call for action across the globe. The economy, the environment, politics, philosophy, human rights and the role of government will all come under the scrutiny as the winds of change work their magic.

Ambition could well be the keyword for 2010. It promises to be a year that will be dominated by the need to plan, restructure and aspire to better things. By taking a practical, prudent and disciplined approach to the year everyone will be building firm foundations for the future.

This is a year where everyone will be looking at what they most strongly want to accomplish and figuring out how they can achieve those aims and objectives. 2010 is about planning how to replace systems and philosophies that no longer work with radical new ones that will.

Common sense stands everyone in good stead and makes dealing with day to day life that bit easier, however an inability to get properly motivated and feelings of being overwhelmed by change will affect most of us. The trick in 2010 is to make a conscious effort to rise to the challenge and not be overcome by self doubt or excessive caution. On a national and international level, governments will continue to find themselves in situations where they must reform and openly accept change or use fear to maintain the status quo.

Winter through to Spring 2010

We start 2010 with not only Mars in retrograde in Leo, where it will remain until March but also Mercury in retrograde in Capricorn until January 15th. Don't expect communications, travel and business dealings to run smoothly, particularly Mercury's retrograde period. This is an ideal time to plan for the forthcoming year, but take a cautious and disciplined approach and wait until after the 15th to put those plans into action. Just as Mercury goes direct, 2010 has its first solar eclipse when the Sun and Moon are alongside Mercury and Venus in Capricorn. Serious work, an eye for detail and creative thought are the tools that will us move towards a new beginning, prosperity and the realisation of our humanitarian ideals. Momentum will start to gather in this regard once Mars goes direct on March 10th 2010.

Preparation is a major theme for 2010, there are no quick fixes on offer this year, instead people are going to need to work hard and plan well. Once we take responsibility for our own social and economic situation we can embark on a successful plan of action to tackle the problems and finally reap the rewards.

The first half of 2010 will focus on the groundwork that we need to undertake to deal with the rather difficult aspects that occur during the summer months. With Saturn in Virgo for the first half of the year, discussion on the practical efforts to enact more laws to protect the Earth's natural resources and secure our own health and wellbeing in the process will be an ongoing theme. Revised limits on carbon emissions will be agreed and more environmental safeguards put in place.

Spring through to Summer 2010

A tricky aspect between Saturn and Uranus arrives on April 26, 2010 signifying more upheaval as the disillusioned people continue to reject ineffectual government administration and demand change. Issues concerning health are thrown into the spotlight during this time, as are scandals that result from the public being deceived yet again. Governments in general will continue to have a very difficult time through May and June, often meeting with resistance from all sides; confidence in authority will hit yet another low. Business, banking and industry will resist regulation and reform while the public will become increasingly frustrated at the government's inability to push through such reform.

Corporate greed and missed opportunities will hit the spotlight in May as Jupiter moves into opposition with a retrograde Saturn. This is a time when we are obliged to go over ground we have already covered. By the time that the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus on June 8, 2010 political reform is inevitable. The summer will see more than one government in Europe changing. Social unrest is likely as people become much more vocal in expressing their political and religious beliefs and tensions will run high as those beliefs become increasingly dogmatic and extreme.

The partial lunar eclipse of June 26, 2010 occurs in Capricorn putting relationships on all levels, whether personal, professional, political or diplomatic in the spotlight. The eclipse also acts as the catalyst for a spectacular grand cardinal cross created by the Moon conjunct Pluto, Jupiter conjunct Uranus, Sun conjunct Mercury and last but by no means least, Saturn. A series of significant events with far reaching global implications are unavoidable around this time.

Serious discussions surrounding the control of freedom and availability of knowledge related to nuclear technology may be hampered by a lack of objectivity from all sides and test diplomatic relations to the full. Knowledge can become a weapon as people seek power and control at all costs. In some parts of the world, particularly the South China Sea area, conflict can arise out of sudden and drastic changes, rebellion and extremist views and the need for governments to dominate and control their people. The more effort we put into resolving issues at this time the better the result will be in the long run. Opportunities for progressive ideas and inventions that will benefit mankind and solve exiting problems also come to the fore at this time.

Summer through to Autumn 2010

July 11th brings a total solar eclipse in the Southern Hemisphere highlighting once again the unstoppable process of change that will dominate the second half of 2010.

Things heat up further at the end of July, when a T-cross is formed involving Saturn which is strongly placed in Libra, a weakened Uranus in Aries and a strongly placed Pluto in Capricorn. Human rights and the law will become powerful forces in the quest for change; the danger is that in some countries the civil liberties of their citizens' will be compromised to serve the agendas of governments. Natural disasters such as Earthquakes and flooding may cause concern around this time.

There is significant potential during this time for building bridges and forming meaningful alliances based on mutual respect that will be for the betterment of everyone. On a local level this can involve communities coming together and on a national level will involve partnerships with other countries. This period may see the merging of yet more national and multinational companies resulting in stronger and more streamlined ways of working. Long lasting results and positive change can come about during this time provided that those involved are sincere and do not have ulterior motives.

The summer promises to be something of a summer of discontent; in many respects it will be another rather difficult phase that the world must pass through in order to move on. On August 7th, The Moon's transit of Cancer forms a second Cardinal cross configuration, with Jupiter, Venus and Pluto. This is an emotionally charged period when people may feel that they have to act to protect their way of life. The summer will see people prepared to go to great lengths to ensure that that action is taken to protect things that are close to their heart. Mass discontent could lead to organised protests and even riots in some parts of the world. The summer will force through much needed change and represents a major turning point in people's values and beliefs.

As the Moon moves out of Cancer a T- square remains which focuses the energy of Jupiter and Venus though Pluto in Capricorn. Expect to see governments and entrepreneurs continuing to work hard to improve business. Determination is the order of the day, bringing new found optimism as practical structure and value is given to the task of instigating renewal and regeneration across society as a whole. From 21st August until 12th September Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo, be careful of overconfidence at this time and take the time to double check the small print, particularly in regard to travel and health insurance.

Autumn through to Winter 2010

By September, a sense of equilibrium starts to be restored although there are still likely to be the occasional flashpoint as religious ideologies clash and misunderstandings arise. The work done in earlier months to build stronger bridges and working relationships starts to pay off, as do efforts to implement conservative investment strategies, ensuring stability and an eventual return to a more stable economy in 2011.

As Mars squares Neptune at the end of October physical energy levels will tend to decrease a little, although the drive to overcome any and all obstacles remains firm.

A conjunction of Mercury, Mars and Pluto in Capricorn on 12th December, 2010 heightens communication between people in power, giving a more confident feel to a year that has had some serious ups and downs. Caution does need to be exercised though, as good old Mercury is retrograde during this period so there is a danger of misunderstandings or rushing into things without thinking them through. Important decisions should be postponed until after December 30th when Mercury goes direct once more. Generally, December 2010 will be a forward thinking time when the ability to reason and act, particularly in relation to business and finance are strong, even if communication needs careful handling.

If you would like to know what 2010 has in store for you, you can order your own personal 2010 astrology forecast from Cornerstone Astrology. These detailed personal forecast reports are around 70 pages long and are excellent for personal use as well as making ideal gifts for loved ones.

Make 2010 YOUR year!

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Tags: Astrology Predictions 2010, horoscopes 2010, Zodiac 2010

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